Wondering which of the big four US carriers has the top mobile data speeds? Wonder no more, for Ookla, the company behind the Speedtest.net service has published a new report today telling us just that.
According to the speed tests performed on its website and through its mobile apps, T-Mobile leads the pack in the States when it comes to speed. Its average speed score was 23.17Mbps nationwide, followed by Verizon with 21.13Mbps, AT&T with 20.05Mbps, and Sprint with 15.39Mbps.
The rankings don't change when only the 100 most populated Cellular Market Areas are taken into account, but the magenta carrier's lead there is minimal - 23.50Mbps compared to Verizon's 23.21Mbps. AT&T managed 21.17Mbps, while Sprint is still last with 16.20Mbps.
Country-wide, the average mobile download
However, the US still only ranks 44th in the world for download speed, right behind Fiji and Germany, and just ahead of Oman. When it comes to uploads, the US is 65th in the world, directly behind Mongolia and ahead of Germany. The full report, which you can find at the Source link below, goes into more detail - including how rural areas compare to urban ones in terms of connectivity.
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