The jets are a most dangerous thing in a war. They are used only for wars. The jets in army shows that the strength of the air force in that army.
In this article I show you top 5 killer jets in the world
5) Sukhoi Su - 35
The Russians are the producers of this model jet. This is the developed version of Su - 27 model jets. The maximum speed of this jet is 2,410 kmph. It can attack the aim away from 3,600 km. This jet can fly in 59,000 ft height from the sea level. This jet can fly 55,100 ft horizontally at a minute. The maximum weight of this jet is 35 tons.
4) Dssault Rafle
This jet is the backbone of France air force. They have been using this jet from 2001. The maximum speed of this jet is 1915 kmph. It can attack the aim away from 1,850 km. This jet can fly in 49,984 ft height from the sea level. This jet can fly 60,000 ft horizontally at a minute. The maximum weight of this jet is 24.5 tons.
3) F 35 Lightning 2
This jet can fly 252 m horizontally at a second. The maximum weight of this jet is 27 tons.
2) EuroFighter Typhoon
This jet was manufactured by Germany. This jet having many modern sensors and model weapons. The maximum speed of this jet is 2495 kmph. It can attack the aim away from 2900 km. This jet can fly in 64993 ft height from the sea level. This jet can fly62000 ft horizontally at a minute. The maximum weight of this jet is 23 tons.
1) F 22 Raptor
This jet war created by US. The special feature of this jet is It will not visible in radars, So no other one can find this jet while flying. It can fly at 2574 kph speed. And the maximum range of this jet is 3218 km. It can fly at 50000 ft height from sea level. The maximum weight of this jet is 25 tons
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