If ever there was a perfect situation to use the "Better late than never" cliche for, this is it. SIM-free Samsung Galaxy Note8 units purchased in the UK are now finally receiving the update to Android 8.0 Oreo and Samsung Experience 9.0.
The update has been rolling out in many markets for a few weeks, and it's now hitting one of the biggest in Western Europe. If you're interested in what features you're getting, Samsung published an official infographic detailing them.

The new software comes as a 1.5GB download, and after you install it you will be on build number N950FXXU3CRB. You'll also have the March 2018 security patch level, which obviously isn't current but it's close enough.
Unfortunately in the past the UK
Note8 units haven't received a whole lot of updates for whatever reason. If you're in the UK and haven't seen the update notification yet, you might want to manually check by going to Settings > Software update > Download updates manually. You may get lucky.
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