Huawei has popular flagships on its hands, last week’s poll shows, however its product strategy may not be the best. The Huawei Mate 20 Pro won the popular vote hands-down, as it should – it’s the de-facto flagship.
But that means that the vanilla Mate 20 lost quite badly. It only got 9%, on par the Mate 20 RS Porsche Design, which is a luxury phone that few will ever see, let alone buy (not to mention that it doesn’t have unique features like the Mate RS of the P20 lineup).
Huawei Mate 20 Pro • Huawei Mate 20 • Huawei Mate 20 X • Huawei Mate 20 RS Porsche Design
So, who’s going to get a Mate 20? The Huawei P20 Pro has just about the same camera as the Mate 20 Pro (but not the new chipset or improved image processing) and can be found for around €650 – a solid discount on on the €800 Mate 20.
The Huawei Mate 20 X got great numbers in the poll, and it was also the most talked-about phone in the comments. The company has a potential hit on its hands, but chances are it won't get a global release.
So, Huawei has a hit, but also a miss. We mean the NM cards, no one sounded excited about them. And since they’re not going to have the capacity of microSD cards or be as cheap as microSD cards, well, why bother? Arguments about space saving went out the window when screens passed the 6” mark.
There you have it, Huawei makes great phones. Now it just needs to make better decisions about which phones are worth making.

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