It looks like Apple is finally closing-in on unveiling the next-gen AirPods. The latest iOS 12.2 beta includes a setup interface for the 'Hey Siri' command for the Apple AirPods - a major feature of the next-gen truly wireless pair.
The setup is not visible to public beta testers. Currently only the Apple iPhone and the iPad can be woken up with a Hey Siri command, the AirPods need a tap before you start speaking.
Apple released the AirPods in 2016 and we've been waiting for a second generation since, but all we got was a minor price cut.
Now we knot the rumors of the AirPods 2 coming in early 2019 are likely true. They should come with a case that can be wirelessly charged and some fitness tracking features. Others suggested an entirely revamped design is coming with generation three in 2020, but let's take these one at a time.
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