Welcome to our Fortnite update tracker! We'll be collating all of the official Fortnite Battle Royale update/patch notes and breaking down all the new features added to Epic Games' phenomenon for Android and iOS phones and tablets, as well as PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch platforms.
More: Fortnite Season 8 guide: Start date, Battle Pass, skins, map changes, and more!
If you want to stay up-to-date with all the new skins, map updates, weapon changes and additions, new modes, and much more then be sure to bookmark this page for future reference!
Victory Royale! Check out the rest of our Fortnite content:
- Fortnite on Android first look
- Fortnite on Android: All the info on its unconventional release
- Fortnite for Android interview – Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney on breaking away from Google Play
- Fortnite Mobile tips and tricks: How to build, shoot and win
- Fortnite cross platform guide: Play with nearly everyone
- Fortnite Mobile on Android: Here are the compatible phones
- Fortnite vs PUBG: Ten mobile differences between the two biggest battle royales
Fortnite update: The latest
Fortnite v8.40 update overview
Release date: April 16, 2019
This Fortnite update brings the wacky new Air Royale limited time mode, where players take to the skies in prop planes. It's only available in duos, so grab a friend and don't touch the ground!
If planes aren't your thing, there's another limited time mode called Food Fight. It's similar to the previous Floor is Lava mode combined with the game's single player Save the World mode. There are also now Epic and Legendary versions of the Infantry Rifle.
Fortnite v8.40 update patch notes
Air Royale Limited Time Mode
- Pilot the X-4 Stormwing in this Limited Time Mode as you fight to become the last plane flying! Complete free Challenges to unlock brand new Wraps as you rule the skies.
Infantry Rifle
- New rarities for this precise, semi-automatic weapon are available now! Find and wield the Epic/Legendary variants and deliver accurate fire downrange.
- Climb aboard a plane and take to the skies in this fast-paced mode where players fight to be the last one flying!
- Air Royale is lifting off as a Duos-only mode.
- Each plane has three lives, players will respawn until they lose their plane's last life.
- Touching the ground will instantly eliminate players.
- Parking a plane on the ground for more than a few seconds will cause it to explode – stay airborne!
- Hijacking another team's plane will add that plane to your existing number of plane lives (and cost the team who lost the plane a life).
- The storm has a ceiling that gradually lowers during the match. Be careful not to fly too high late in the match!
- Loot chests of five different rarities will fall from the sky, allowing players to upgrade the guns they are carrying as well as boosting their plane's weapons for a short time.
- To receive the contents of a Chest, simply fly through it.
- If players receive loot from a Chest containing a weapon they already have that's of the same or worse quality, they'll receive additional ammo.
- Chests with higher quality guns will automatically replace the lower quality weapon that's being carried.
- Floating repair kits can also be found, these heal damaged planes, and grant health and shields to players.
- Two teams on either side of the map. A huge barrier down the middle. Lava steadily rising up from below. Build a fort to protect your restaurant mascot. When the Barrier lowers, destroy the enemy's mascot and then eliminate the remaining enemies to win the match!
- An impassable barrier will be spawned along the center of the map for the first several minutes. Lava starts rising from beneath the map a few minutes into the match.
- Each team will have an under-construction restaurant near the center of the map. Inside is a giant mascot head representing that team.
- If the mascot head is destroyed, that team loses the ability to respawn when eliminated.
- Players should use the time that the barrier is up to construct a defensive fortress around their restaurant.
- As soon as the barrier lowers, fight to take out their mascot before they destroy yours!
- Special red supply drops spawn at match start. These hold a handful of weapons, ammo, consumables, traps and a few hundred metal building materials.
- Players will respawn when eliminated, keeping their inventory & dropping some ammo and resources.
- 100 percent extra resources are gained from farming.
- Building resources found on the ground increased from 30 to 50 per instance.
- No explosive weapons or items are in this mode.
- A small amount of free building materials are granted to each player every second.
- The restaurants are now much higher, requiring players to build up to them.
- May the best food win!
- Egg Launcher
- Everyone's favorite egg-themed Grenade Launcher skin is back!
- This is a visual only change for the Grenade Launcher.
- Infantry Rifle
- Added Epic and Legendary Infantry Rifle variants.
- Deals 42/44 damage.
- Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops and Vending Machines.
- Uses Medium Ammo.
- You can now pet the dog… and other Pets!
- The Battle Pass Friend XP Bonus has been upgraded!
- Instead of giving a small XP boost to each friend in your party, you now get a larger XP boost for partying with one or more friends.
- The overall total XP Bonus remains the same (120%) and will now be much easier to keep active
- In short, play any match with any number of friends and you'll be getting the same amount of XP as someone who's been playing with a full squad of Battle-Pass-owning friends.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Season 8 trailer wouldn't play in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where the embers from environmental Campfires would linger if the floor they were attached to was destroyed.
- Fixed issue where Coconuts could not be pinged.
- Fixed an issue where turbo building could stop if you ran out of the current type of material you were using.
- Fixed an issue with Traps being be placed inside walls, making them difficult to see.
- Fixed an issue with Traps being placed inconsistently when auto-placed.
- Fixed 'Emotes' not playing when bound to specific keys.
- Fixed an issue when using 'Replay Last Emote' before using any other emote, so it now plays the emote in the default slot.
- New Tournament – April 20 & 21: Fortnite World Cup Online Open Week 2 ($1,000,000 total prize pool!)
- Top performers in each server region will qualify to the Fortnite World Cup Finals in New York City.
- Full Fortnite World Cup details and official rules can be found here: https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/competitive/events/world-cup
- Duos Game Mode
- Participation in this event requires both players to have reached Champion League in Arena.
- Region Lock is in effect – players may only participate in the qualifier for a single server region each week of the Online Opens. The server region of the first match entered for that weekend's tournament will be the one the player will be locked into for that entire weekend.
- Format:
- April 20 – Round One: All Eligible Players.
- April 21 – Round Two: Top 1500 Teams from Round One.
- Added Fortnite World Cup Qualifier slots onto the prize breakout for Online Open tournaments.
- Visual improvements for Lobby panel during Online Open tournaments.
- Updated how Anonymous Mode works in tournaments to provide an improved experience for stream viewers while still protecting streamers.
- When a player is eliminated, their name will be shown in the elimination feed.
- When a player eliminates an opponent, their name will be shown to the eliminated player only.
- Maximum Screen Aspect Ratio can no longer be greater than 16:9.
- Resolved a performance regression occurring on PCs with less than quad-core CPUs.
- If you're still experiencing performance issues on PC, try manually adding the "-NoRHIThread" to the Epic Games Launcher settings for Fortnite.
- Increased the size and intensity of the Boom Bow explosion effects to better represent the damage radius.
- Adjusted the attenuation of the Reboot Van cooldown and Reboot Chip ambient looping audio, so that it's not as loud.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Shotgun equip sounds to occasionally not play.
- Mimic! When bringing up your emote wheel there's now an option that appears if you're looking at another player doing an emote you own, to allow you to play the same emote.
- When hiding HUD elements in the options, some of them now collapse to free up the space they were taking up – the minimap for example.
- There's now a HUD UI option to hide the vehicle control hints.
Bug Fixes
- The Limited Time Mode Victory screen is no longer pushed out of place on mobile/Switch.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where drone speed was not saved when scrubbing
- Fixed an issue where scrubbing a replay while in Drone Attach mode would result in the camera being left behind.
- Updated the Baller controls on default and custom HUDs.
- Baller controls are available to be adjusted in the HUD Layout Tool for custom HUD players.
- Audiovisual shot indicators will no longer display for players in the same vehicle.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Android app icon being incorrectly displayed.
- Fixed an issue with Voice Chat while spectating
- Push-To-Talk button is also no longer hidden while spectating
- Fixed an issue where Auto-run would not activate in vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where the Reboot Card description was missing.
- Fixed an issue where the Arena overview panel was not displaying.
- Fixed an issue with the FPS counter being shown twice.
- Fixed an issue where the weapon icon would not display in inventory hot bar sometimes.
- Fixed an issue where textures would appear stretched when on a Creative Island.
- Fixed an issue that displayed a checkmark icon on certain commands of vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where a second storm wall would appear in the desert biome during the first closing period.
- Fixed an issue where some chests could not be opened.
- Fixed issues where weak wifi halted gameplay and could cause some disconnects.
Explosive Device
- Destruction and demolition are made easy with The Explosive Device, now in Creative Mode.
Scoreboard Customization
- Customize the in-game scoreboard in new ways! Open the "My Island" menu to discover the different possibilities.
- When on the Hub, Featured Island portals now appear as doorways to these featured games.
- Simplified the text above the portals to show the Creator's name and the Island's name.
- Approaching the portal will cause a description for the game to animate into view.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the player's character would face the wrong direction when starting a game.
- Fixed an issue where games could be started simultaneously on different islands when initiated by a player in the same server.
- Fixed an issue where players could damage each other after the scoreboard appears.
- Fixed an issue where players who join a match that's in progress would not see progressive Outfit changes on the Peely Outfit.
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to aim down sight when playing games.
- Fixed an issue where players would be scored as "Knocked Down" while spawning into a game in progress.
- Fixed an issue where Reboot Cards were incorrectly appearing in Creative games.
- Infantry Rifle
- Epic and Legendary Infantry Rifle variants
- Deals 42, 44 damage
- Epic and Legendary Infantry Rifle variants
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where a bright blue light would appear while copying and pasting objects with the Phone.
- Fixed an issue where players could not enter Build Mode when the Phone was equipped, while using a controller.
- Known issue: Delete sound effect plays twice when deleting an object.
- Updated Car Gallery A with a Submarine, Arctic Submarine and Helicopter.
- Updated the Jungle Temple Props Gallery with 3 different sized Moai Statues.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in the Military Behemoth where external wall vents could appear to be floating.
- Fixed an issue in the Military Behemoth where players could unintentionally drop off some stairways.
- Fixed an issue where Military Gallery B Blue had a couple of building pieces showing up as red.
- Fixed an issue where the collision box was too large around some assets in the Ring Gallery.
- All new Explosive Device
- When damaged during a game, the device will explode and damage objects and players around it
- Limited to 100 Explosive Devices per island
- Modify the following options:
- Player Damage – The amount of damage inflicted on surrounding players (0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, elimination)
- Structure Damage – The amount of damage inflicted on surrounding structures (0, 5, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000)
- Damage Indestructible Buildings – Turning on this option will destroy buildings, even if "Building Damage In Game" is "Off"..
- Health – The health of the Explosive Device (1, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000)
- Blast Radius – How far the explosion will reach from the point of origin (0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3)
- Knockback – How forceful the explosion will be at knocking back players (off, low, medium, high, very high, super high)
- Ignore Team For Damage – Turn on to ignore a specified team when dealing damage (none, 1-16)
- Explode on Proximity Range – Turn on to explode when a player is at a set distance from the device (off, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
- Ignore Team For Proximity – Turn on to ignore a specified team when entering designated proximity range (none, 1-16)
- Time To Detonation From Game Start – Turn on to start a timer for automatic detonation when a game starts (off, 5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 hr)
- Creature Spawner has been updated to visualize the spawn radius around the device.
- Added a "Spawn Through Walls" option to the Creature Spawner.
- Turning this off will prevent creatures from being spawned on the other side of walls.
- Added "Preferred Spawn Location" option to the Creature Spawner with "At Max Distance" or "Random" options.
- "At Max Distance" will spawn creatures at the edge of the Max Spawn Distance.
- "Random" will spawn them at random points within the spawn radius.
- For the following devices, turning "Visualization" off will hide the device immediately upon starting a game, instead of waiting for the game start countdown to finish.
- Barrier
- Damage Volume
- Player Checkpoint Plate
- Player Spawn
- Item Spawner
- Radio
- Music Sequencer
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Billboard had improper collision when reloading the Island or copying with the creative tool.
- Fixed an issue where the Item Spawner "Time Before Initial Spawn" option was not functioning as intended.
- Fixed an issue with the Shooting Gallery that would prevent players from hitting the bullseye on some targets.
- Fixed an issue with the Shooting Gallery where you couldn't hit the bullseye until you had started a game.
- Fixed an issue with the Shooting Gallery that prevented sniper rifles from being able to register hits on the bullseye.
- Clarified the units of time (eg. seconds, minutes) for related options on the Target Dummy Track in the Shooting Gallery.
- Fixed an issue where the Target Dummy "Proximity Pop Up Range" setting only triggered at half the expected distance.
- Fixed an issue where the Billboard was causing stretched textures to appear on player's Islands when playing on mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue where the player character's head would appear floating over the Cannon when attempting to fly while inside.
- Fixed an issue with the Capture Area device having inconsistent collision around the base.
- Fixed an issue where the Creature Spawner destruction animation would trigger even though visibility was set to "Off".
- "UI Settings" can be found in the "My Island" menu. Providing the ability to modify various user interfaces.
- Time – Choose whether the clock counts down or up
- Score Display Time – The amount of time the scoreboard is displayed after a match (Don't Show, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 seconds)
- Winner Display Time – The amount of time the Winner UI is displayed (Don't Show, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 seconds)
- HUD Type – Choose the optimal heads-up-display for the type of game you created (Default, Creature Elimination, Score)
- Scoreboard Stat 1-5 – Choose the statistics that are tracked and shown on up to 5 columns on the scoreboard at the end of the match (None, Eliminations, Assists, Knocked Down, Collect Items, Health, Creature Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time)
- These statistics will serve as a tie-breaker (in sequential order) in the case that there is a tie under the primary rules of the game
- The end of game Scoreboard has received a visual makeover to coincide with the new scoreboard options available for creators.
- Winners are now prompted with new celebration animations, similar to the Victory Screen in Battle Royale.
Bug Fixes
- You should now be able to see team member names over their heads based on the My Island Options.
- Fixed an issue where placed trap sounds overlap and were very loud when spawning into a game.
- Fixed an issue where vehicle destruction sound effects would play loudly when spawning into a game.
- Fixed an issue where favorite Island codes could not be removed from the Featured Island Code list when using a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the Fly Up prompt shows 'Unbound' in the Tooltip when using a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the ammo count wasn't displaying as infinite on weapons when infinite ammo was enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various performance and stability issues.
Bunny Brawler Luna
- Make an egg-plosive entrance with this new Soldier!
Dashing Hare Ken
- Poach the Husks with this new and egg-citing Ninja.
- Beta Storm Test the Limits returns!
- The number of race gates has increased from 4 to 6.
- A cinematic has been added to clarify when the race begins.
- Watch out for the Husks! Prevent them from destroying the gate or you won't be able to earn a platinum badge during your race.
- This occurs after earning the Gold Medal.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue which caused BluGlo Siphons to be mislabeled on the map in Refuel the Homebase missions.
- The Hero Loadout picker panel now has a button callout for "Cancel".
- The Hero Loadout "Clear All" button is now available when only a gadget or team perk has been selected.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Hero rewards showing Survivor related descriptions on the XP bar when in the Command tab.
- Fixed an issue that caused the 'Manage Player' panel to show an incorrect banner and power level while in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused the item details panel to have incorrect information when fast switching between inventory screens.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "reward icon" and "earned reward" screens to not update properly when players skip the animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the tiles on the mission select screen to not refocus when party members level-up or evolve Heroes and Survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hero names to flicker when using a controller in the Hero Loadout select screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the reset menu to lose functionality when switching to a different Hero while the reset menu is open.
- Fixed an issue that caused the power level notification to not show up when a new player joins your party.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player to not see the respawn button prompt when falling off the world.
- Fixed an issue that caused the looted items notification to have large spaces in the text.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused players to hitch when accessing the boosts menu during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to hitch when opening the Armory tab.
- Introducing Bunny Brawler Luna, a new Legendary Soldier!
- Standard Perk: Eggs-plosive Entrance
- Shockwave drops 3 egg bombs, which each deal 54 base damage to nearby enemies.
- Commander Perk: Eggs-plosive Entrance+
- Shockwave drops 3 egg bombs, which each deal 162 base damage to nearby enemies.
- Available in the Event Store on April 17 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
- Standard Perk: Eggs-plosive Entrance
- Introducing Dashing Hare Ken, a new Legendary Ninja!
- Standard Perk: Eggs-termination
- Kunai Storm throws 3 egg bombs, which each deal 37 base damage to nearby enemies.
- Commander Perk: Eggs-termination+
- Kunai Storm throws 3 egg bombs, which each deal 111 base damage to nearby enemies.
- Available in the Event Store on April 17 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
- Standard Perk: Eggs-termination
- The Legendary Soldier Rabbit Raider Jonesy Returns!
- Standard Perk: Sure Shot
- Increases Sniper Critical Damage by 75%.
- Commander Perk: Sure Shot+
- Increases Sniper Critical Damage by 225%.
- Available in the Event Store on April 17 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
- Standard Perk: Sure Shot
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where T.E.D.D.Y would not go on cooldown if the ability was interrupted mid-throw.
- Easter Egg Launcher
- Lobs egg mines that explode on contact with enemies. Maximum of 6 eggs active at a time.
- Available in the Weekly Store from April 17 at 8 PM Eastern Time until April 24 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Broadside trap's cannonballs weren't being destroyed by the Super Shielder's shield.
- "Auto Equip Better Weapon" now equips based on Power Rating instead of Weapon DPS.
Bug Fixes
- The Cannonade Launcher has been reclassified as a cannonball weapon, allowing it to get damage buffs from the Avast Mateys perk.
- Storm Shield and mission loading screens are now biome based rather than mission based.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a large gap that could be found in some Autumn Cities.
- Updated the audio when Med Bot revives a downed player.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the in-game music to continue playing after skipping the victory and defeat cinematics.
- Reduced volume on the Nailer weapon to be consistent with other weapons.
- Updated the Main Menu Party Bar in Battle Royale and Creative modes to simply be a list of players who are in your selected voice channel.
- Interacting with mouse or controller will perform a "Toggle Mute" on that player.
- The icon for your selected skin or hero loadout now appears in the top left of the Social Panel.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in Battle Royale and Creative that would sometimes cause your lobby character to not reappear on your pedestal.
- Updated lists for Save the World, Battle Royale and in-game Social Panel to more logically identify Party Members before the game starts, and Team Members once in-game.
- We also display any Party Members that are not in-game with you when applicable.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed emote hotkeys so they correctly play emotes.
Fortnite update history
Fortnite V8.20 update overview
Fortnite V8.20 delivers a new limited time mode featuring rising lava, as well as new foraged items including the health-regenerating banana, coconut, and pepper.
Fortnite V8.20 patch notes
New limited time mode: Floor is Lava. Lava gradually rises from the lowest parts of the map, and it's hot! Drop in and quickly loot and gather materials so you can be the first to reach the high ground.
Mode Details
- A few minutes into the match, the lava will begin to rise.
- The lava moves at a steady speed until the entire map is covered.
- Touching the lava will apply damage directly to your health and bounce you up in the air.
- You can build on the lava.
- Players will be given a small number of materials every second, to help out in those "entire map is on fire" situations.
- The Baller no longer applies damage to players on collision.
- The knockback/bounce effect will remain unchanged.
- Future Baller Iterations
- We've noticed a lot of discussion around the Baller, so here's an update!
- We're not satisfied with the current use of Ballers, specifically in the late game. With the v8.30 update, we will release a change that will allow players to shoot through the glass of The Baller.
- Non-glass parts will still have collision and block damage from bullets.
- Siphon/Material Changes
- In v7.40 we implemented a few Pop-up Cup settings as a test in core modes. After monitoring a combination of gameplay, data, and feedback, we've gathered necessary info to conclude this initial test. We feel it has resulted in an unhealthy level of aggressive play, diminishing other viable strategies. The following changes have been reverted in all core modes:
- 50 Health (or Shield) based on your health when the Elimination occurs.
- 50/50/50 materials dropped on Elimination.
- 500/500/500 Cap on materials.
- Harvest rate increased by 40%
- That said, these mechanics have proven to be positive in our competitive playlists. All changes above remain enabled in the new Arena Game Mode.
- In v7.40 we implemented a few Pop-up Cup settings as a test in core modes. After monitoring a combination of gameplay, data, and feedback, we've gathered necessary info to conclude this initial test. We feel it has resulted in an unhealthy level of aggressive play, diminishing other viable strategies. The following changes have been reverted in all core modes:
- Infantry Rifle
- Converted to hitscan, meaning this weapon no longer fires projectiles (snipers) and now fires the same as other Assault Rifles.
- Base damage reduced from 45/42 to 42/40.
- Uses the same damage fall off profile as existing assault rifles.
- Poison Dart Trap
- Available in Uncommon Rarity.
- Can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings.
- Found from Floor Loot.
- Can be triggered up to three grid cells away.
- Fires Poison Dart projectiles a distance of three horizontal grid cells (four vertical grid cells).
- Targets hit by darts will receive a damage-over-time effect that applies damage directly to health, bypassing any shields.
- 10 health damage per tick.
- 8 total ticks over 7 seconds for a total damage of 80.
- Subsequent hits will refresh the duration of the effect, but the amount of damage per tick does not change.
- New Foraged Items
- Bananas
- Instantly grant 5 health when consumed.
- Can be found in the tropical biome.
- Coconuts
- Foraged by damaging palm trees.
- When consumed, Coconuts grant 5 points of effective health over a short time. That means it will replenish shields if the player is at max health.
- Can be found in tropical and desert biomes.
- Peppers
- When consumed, peppers instantly grant 5 health and also increase the player's movement speed by 20% for 10 seconds.
- Can be found in the desert biome.
- Bananas
- The Buried Treasure directional indicator is now attached to the player and emanates from the area of the treasure map in order to improve visibility, especially while moving.
- The indicator will continue to pulse every 3 seconds while the item is equipped.
- Pirate Cannon adjustments
- Adjusted the collision of the Pirate Cannon to ensure the driver's seat is always enterable without needing to nudge the cannon.
- Moved the seat prompt locations for easier entry into the cannon.
- Increased the radius of cannonballs and player land explosions from 200 units to 250 units.
- Reduced cannon impulse/knockback when firing a cannonball while driving or when launching a player. This is unchanged when coasting.
- Adjusted the equip time of the Epic / Legendary Pump Shotgun to match the Uncommon / Rare versions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Clingers were damaging players through walls when stuck to another player.
- Fixed an issue preventing Glider item pickups from displaying their stack count.
- Smoothed out the motion of grenade projectile trajectories, which were lagging behind by a tick.
- Balloon Fixes
- Entering a vehicle no longer plays the release sound of balloons if you have no balloons.
- The balloon rope will no longer remain on your back when you run out of balloons.
- Pirate Cannon Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players were flying out of a Pirate Cannon in a different direction than expected.
- Fixed an issue preventing the ability to enter a Pirate Cannon when close to other geometry.
- Fixed the ability for players to finely tune Pirate Cannon's ability to aim side to side.
- Fixed an issue causing Buried Treasure to spawn loot on the Starting Island.
- Marker pings are now allowed while DBNO.
- Added a unique elimination message when eliminated by a Lava surface.
- Increased relevancy distance for players being able to see explosions.
- That's not all! Increased infinite dab from 13 hours to 14 hours in the lobby.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the icy feet effect remaining on indefinitely while emoting.
- Traps now do damage directly to The Baller vehicle instead of dealing damage to the driver.
- Fixed issue causing some traps to be inside thicker structures, making them hard to see.
- Fixed a rare occurrence of a player being invulnerable while DBNO.
- Fixed the camera sometimes traveling too far when cycling to another player.
- New Feature: Arena Game Mode (Solo & Duos)
- Compete any time and gain 'Hype' to advance to higher leagues and unlock exclusive tournaments, such as the Fortnite World Cup Online Opens.
- Each League is broken up into several Divisions, with players working their way from Open League to Contender League to Champion League.
- Scoring will update from division to division, with an increasing amount of Bus Fare lost with each match at higher divisions.
- Note: Matchmaking in Arena is based on players with similar Hype. As a result, players in higher divisions may experience longer than normal wait times before a match is found.
- New Tournament: Luxe Cup (March 30th & 31st) [$100,000 in Cash Prizes!]
- Duos Game Mode
- Participation in this event requires players to have reached Contender League in Arena play prior to the start of the event.
- The prize pool will be distributed across all server regions, with official rules and details released later this week.
- Format:
- March 30th – Round One: All Eligible Players
- March 31st – Round Two: Top 3000 Players from Round One
- Fixed an issue where poor server performance could cause undesired effects on clients such as unnecessary movement corrections.
- Added a fix for a rare server crash.
- Made a small server performance improvement related to the Baller vehicle.
- Updated animation budgets to be more performant on higher scalability settings.
- Improved file I/O performance on PS4, this reduces the occurrence of late streaming buildings.
- Improved file I/O performance when skydiving on all platforms by changing what data we prioritize loading first.
- Adjusted lighting in Battle Royale.
- Increased lighting contrast in areas with shadows.
- Increased vibrancy in colors.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the destruction effects were not playing on the Baller when it's destroyed.
- Re-scaled audio volume settings to avoid clipping artifacts.
- What used to be the 0.5 setting is now mapped to 1 (maximum loudness)
- If your volume was previously above 0.5 you will need to adjust the volume on your television or whichever device you're playing on to achieve the same level of loudness.
- Footsteps from spectated players' teammates are now played at a reduced volume.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some items didn't have proper audio when dropping them from inventory.
- Changes to the ping graph for the net debug HUD.
- Red vertical lines added that indicate packets were reported lost that frame.
- There's now a setting to control if pinging while ADS/Targeting places a danger marker.
- On the Battle Pass page, scrolling down on the mouse wheel moves the contents right and scrolling up on the mouse wheel moves the images left.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with Main Menu icons becoming off-center.
- Fixed a bug that was causing a player's Squad Fill preference to reset to "Fill".
- Fixed an issue where scopes would be missing reticle lines on low settings.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an occasional awkward camera movement that would occur when switching to different view targets while spectating.
- Dedicated use buttons now support hold to swap.
- Voice Chat has been reactivated on iOS.
- Emote button now supports hold to replay last emote.
- Updated the Baller button icons.
- Updated the battery icon to indicate the device is charging. Refreshes visibility every 2 seconds.
- Cycle left button added to the HUD layout tool.
- Added loot pickup stream UI.
- This is the part of the UI that tracks how many resources and ammo you're picking up.
- Net Debug Stats is now movable in the HUD Layout Tool.
- Enabled Squad Communication and Emote buttons while DBNO.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed field of view on 21:9 devices.
- Fixed an issue with quickbar and extra buttons that made it possible to cause fire state to be stuck on a continuous loop.
- Fixed an issue causing the camera to jump on initial touch input.
- This will also fix the issue where HUD control buttons are missing when starting a match on some Android devices.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect building pieces to gain focus when editing.
- Fixed missing outline effect for squad members.
- Fixed minimap remaining on screen during Victory Royale sequence.
- Fixed not being able to select building material while being a passenger in a vehicle.
Fortnite Battle Royale Version 8.00 update overview
Fortnite Season 8 is here! The latest season brings major map changes, a new Pirate Cannon weapon, and a host of gameplay changes.
Fortnite Battle Royale Version 8.00 patch notes
- Pirate Cannon
- Push the Cannon into position, take aim, and fire! Alternatively, climb into the barrel and launch yourself!
- The cannon will fire cannonballs or players a great distance. Cannonballs and players can plow through a number of objects before stopping with a bang, causing damage and knockback to nearby players.
- Deals 100 Damage to enemies on a direct hit and 50 Damage to enemies within a small radius.
- Found throughout the environment.
- Vaulted
- Sneaky Snowman
- Chiller Grenade
- X-4 Stormwing
- Shopping Cart
- All Terrain Kart
- Updated Hunting Rifle Icon
- Reduced the availability of high tier Assault Rifles
- Total number of Assault Rifles available remains unchanged
- Increased chance of receiving a Common quality assault rifle from 48.56% to 56.30%
- Increased chance of receiving an Uncommon quality assault rifle from 26.83% to 28.15%
- Reduced the chance of receiving a Rare quality assault rifle from 16.17% to 10.91%
- Reduced the chance of receiving an Epic quality assault rifle from 7.02% to 3.52%
- Reduced the chance of receiving a Legendary quality assault rifle from 1.82% to 1.13%
- Total number of Assault Rifles available remains unchanged
Bug Fixes
- Supply Drops now properly appear on the map.
- If the fire button is pressed while the shotgun cooldown is still active after swapping weapons then the shotgun will automatically fire once the cooldown is over.
- Fixed Clingers causing damage through walls / floors when stuck to a player.
- Fixed players accidentally sticking Remote Explosives onto themselves after applying a Consumable Bush.
- Fixed Legendary/Epic Pump Shotgun pellet tracers and muzzle flash sometimes not replicating to other clients.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't use Auto-Run while using a Hoverboard with a gamepad.
- Fixed items occasionally being invisible to some players.
- Added Lava
- Lava will deal 1 damage per touch and will cause players to bounce off the surface. Watch out!
- Added Volcanic Vents
- Volcanic Vents will boost players and vehicles into the sky in a gust of hot air!
- Party Assist Added
- Prior to a match, enable Party Assist on a Daily or Weekly challenge to complete it with the assistance of everyone in your party.
- Party members are able to provide progress to the selected challenge in addition to yourself.
- This functionality excludes "fill" players who are added into the party during matchmaking or teammates from large team modes such as Team Rumble.
- Increased Infinite Dab duration from 11 hours to 12 hours in the lobby.
- Cozy Campfire now glows while active when viewed through a Thermal Scope.
- Starting in Season 8, daily quests will be automatically claimed once they've been completed.
- Any Challenges that were ready to be collected will be auto completed and all rewards will be delivered. However, at this time there will be no in-game notification for you receiving these rewards.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Lynx Outfit would jitter very badly when playing the original Wave emote in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to aim down sights while jumping.
- Fixed an issue where weapons picked up would sometimes be incorrectly unloaded. This would happen if a player looted a weapon dropped by a player immediately after being eliminated.
- Fixed Bush consumable not being destroyed if player takes damage from a great distance.
- Fixed aim assist to work through windows.
- Fixed an issue where players could stop themselves from getting on a Zipline by standing too far behind it and colliding into the ground as they try to enter.
- Fixed an issue where the player couldn't pick up items dropped around the Zipline pole.
- Fixed an issue where entering a vehicle while ziplining left the fall damage immunity visual effect on the player.
- Fixed auto-pickup of items not working when first landing from skydiving.
- Weapon auto-reloading no longer cancels emotes.
- Fixed an equipped Trap being swapped after dropping a stack of items or after using the last item of a stack of consumables or explosives.
- Fixed equipped traps being dropped when using hold to swap to pick up items.
Two teams of fifty players fight to the finish!
Mode Details
- Each team has a bus, approaching the island from opposite directions. On the map, the friendly bus has a blue outline, enemy has red.
- The map has a dotted line, which indicates the "battle lines" between the two teams. Crossing the line will make running into enemies more
Close quarters combat with Shotguns & Jetpacks!
Mode Details
- Players start with a Jetpack in their inventory.
- The only guns in this mode are the various types of Shotguns.
- The Storm moves in more quickly than normal mid to late game.
- Above/below footstep improvements.
- More distinct sound for above footsteps.
- Tuned the distance at which above/below footsteps travel to be more realistic.
- Improved footstep audio timings when the game simulation is under heavy load.
- Set Down-But-Not-Out alert sound spatialization from the location of the downed player.
- Added stereo sounds for all weapons for those carrying the weapon.
- Added foley audio feedback when crouching and ADS'ing with a weapon.
- Improved Rocket Launcher incoming audio. It now plays an additional warning layer if the rocket is coming towards you.
- Added distant perspective to the enemy glider audio tell.
- Improved damage/elimination audio feedback.
- Added a new shield break sound.
- Improved the "weak-point" hit sound when harvesting.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed in-air wind audio restarting when eliminating an enemy while they're in mid-air.
- Fixed sniper projectiles not playing impact audio.
- Fixed "Hootenany" emote getting stuck on infinitely.
- Fixed Suppressed SMG sound effect occasionally looping continuously incorrectly.
- Added the ability to access the Patch Notes website from the News Screen.
- Visual improvements made to squadmate names and indicators.
- World Marker Improvements
- World Markers are now visible in the world when placed close to you.
- Double-clicking the World Marker hotkey will place a "danger" version of that marker. World Markers placed while aiming with a weapon will also place the danger version.
- Added 2D UI indicators to the World Markers, making them easier to see through objects.
- World Markers now have an off-screen indicator and display the distance your character is from them.
- Placing a World Marker on an item will display that item's icon and rarity.
- Placing World Markers remains on the same key for PC and console (KBM: Middle Mouse Button, Controller: D-Pad Left).
- This button can be remapped to any button you want. Let us know on our social channels what works best for you!
- Mobile also has a button that can be added to the HUD. Place this button by using the HUD Layout Tool.
- Added filter tabs to the locker for animated loading screens and pets.
- Added a card corner icon for certain types of animated cosmetics.
Bug Fixes
- Fix cases where the Bad Network Indicator would appear at the beginning of the match due to slow loading conditions.
- The Battle Pass / Battle Bundle purchase screen now shows your supported creator if one is set.
- Fixed an issue where the team elimination count was sometimes inaccurate.
- Fixed an issue where eliminations weren't properly counting when playing in Playgrounds.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where scrubbing through a replay could cause the player's hero model to disappear in the lobby.
- Fixed issue with cosmetic styles not displaying properly during replay playback.
- Fixed elimination damage numbers being inaccurate in replays.
- Fixed weapon firing animations sometimes playing twice in replays.
- Added more visual feedback when buttons are pressed.
- Changed gliding/freefalling HUD visibility to be more consistent between mobile/other platforms.
- Player are now able to toggle between crouch and standing states while in build and edit modes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug which caused the lobby background to disappear when closing the Report Player dialog.
- Fixed an issue where trying to switch to build mode and tapping the quickbar at the same time would switch back to combat mode.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to place a trap using a mobile controller made the player animate as if they were trying to open a door several times before the trap is placed.
- Fixed players ability to un-crouch while gliding.
- Fixed action button remaining on the UI during the Battle Bus phase.
- The 'Resources' HUD setting now properly shows in-game after making changes on mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue where using touch to edit a structure breaks the ability to continue crosshair editing until the button is pressed again.
- Fixed an issue where dragging an item off the hotbar triggered a double click.
- Fixed an issue where pick up and zip line activation icon's default position overlapped with the aiming icon.
- Fixed controller art sometimes missing in the Controller Setting screen.
Fortnite Battle Royale Version 7.40 update overview
Fortnite v7.40 adds 13 Overtime Challenges that, if completed before the end of Season 8 on Feb. 27, will reward players with a free Season 8 Battle Pass. You can also gift a Heartspan Glider to another player to celebrate Valentine's Day. There are also a whole bunch of other tweaks and the addition of the Infantry Rifle.
Fortnite Battle Royale Version 7.40 patch notes
As mentioned last week, we're continuing with rotate through LTMs at a faster pace throughout the week moving forward. The first mode is detailed below, check the in-game client on Thursdays and Saturdays to see what other modes are available!
In this mode, all guns have been removed. The only weapons are grenades and other items that can be thrown or tossed. Get in there and throw the enemies back to the lobby!
- Available grenades/items:
- Smoke Grenades
- Clingers
- Remote Explosives
- Port-a-Forts
- Impulse Grenades
- Shockwave Grenades
Mode details:
- Chest spawns and Floor Spawns set to 100.
- Can only get consumables out of Chests, Floor Loot, and Supply Drops.
- Increase Supply Drops throughout the game.
- Faster circle times.
- Increased drop stack counts.
Two large teams fight for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first team to get 100 eliminations wins!
What's New?
- Reduced likelihood of Storm ending up near the center of the map.
Looking to earn a free Season 8 Battle Pass? Starting with the v7.40 release, complete 13 free Overtime Challenges by February 27 to receive the upcoming Season 8 Battle Pass for FREE! Additionally, unlock 5 new rewards including the Valentine Wrap and Vines Contrail for completing these Challenges.
And for current Battle Pass owners, the Overtime Challenge rewards will include new unlockable styles for the Trog, Powder, and Onesie outfits.
- Infantry Rifle
- Available in Common, Uncommon and Rare variants.
- Deals 41, 43, 45 damage. 2x headshot multiplier.
- Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, and Vending Machines.
- Uses Medium Ammo.
- Fires quick-moving projectiles without damage falloff.
- Available in Common, Uncommon and Rare variants.
- Improvements to the Bush consumable.
- Now absorbs one instance of weapon damage before being removed from the owner. Fall damage will not remove the Bush.
- Now translucent (for the Bush wearer only!) in order to allow for better visibility of surroundings.
- Hand Cannon
- Epic rarity
- Reduced environmental damage from 150 to 100.
- Legendary rarity
- Reduced environmental damage from 157 to 105.
- Epic rarity
- Rocket Launcher
- Shifted availability of Rocket Launchers out of Chests and into Supply Drops.
- Removed Rocket Launchers from Chests.
- Increased the chance of receiving a Rocket Launcher from Supply Drops from 25% to 50%.
- Epic rarity
- Reload speed increased from 2.66 to 3.42.
- Now only available from Vending Machines
- Legendary rarity
- Reload speed increased from 2.52 to 3.24.
- Shifted availability of Rocket Launchers out of Chests and into Supply Drops.
- Unvaulted
- Clingers
- Cupid's Crossbow – Limited Time Item
- Epic Rarity.
- Infinite ammo.
- Bodyshot Damage: 79.
- Headshot Damage: 197.
- Can be found in Floor Loot and Chests.
- Does 1 environmental damage.
- Vaulted
- Grenades
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing projectile weapons to fire inaccurately when aiming at other players from very close range.
- Fixed an issue that was causing explosive splash damage to be blocked when players didn't actually have cover.
- Added Pop-Up Cup settings to default playlists
- We're introducing a few larger changes into the default Fortnite playlist as a test. We've seen these settings in pop-up cups result in more engaging fights and allowing players to gain more consistent rewards for the risk of engagement.
- Based on the positive feedback we received during these specific Pop-Up cups, we're implementing the following adjustments:
- 50 Health (or Shield) based on your health when the Elimination occurs.
- 50/50/50 materials dropped on Elimination
- 500/500/500 Cap on materials
- Harvest rate increased by 40%
- We'll be closely monitoring feedback on this change – play a couple matches and let us know what you think!
- Removed the ability for the X4 Stormwing to break through structures and large objects.
- Small props will still be destroyed from direct hit from an X4 Stormwing.
- Changes to Ziplines
- Ziplines are now interact to engage.
- Ziplines grant fall damage immunity.
- Ziplines now have an audio visualizer icon.
- Final Circle adjustments
- Increased the travel distance by 48%.
- Shrink time has been increased from 45 seconds to 75 seconds.
- PC, Mac, and console players can now crouch while in Edit Mode.
- Gamepad players can assign this through custom gamepad controls.
- Note: This functionality is coming to mobile soon.
- Turbo Building
- Reduced the initial timer for turbo building from 0.15 to 0.05.
- Added the ability to swap the item in the currently selected slot with a new item by holding interact instead of tapping.
- Added UI text to show players they're able to use swap.
- Not available on touch input.
- Floor traps will automatically build a floor piece for you if needed. You must have the required resources.
- Logitech and Razer RGB peripherals will now react when doing emotes.
- Sneaky Snowmen will be destroyed if they fall from a high distance.
- Stand on the head of a Sneaky Snowman to avoid fall damage.
- Removed HUD bar for the minigun overheating mechanic.
- Adjusted the distance of the Bottle Rocket sound indicators so that they match the max distance of the sound effects.
- Added a Bottle Rocket sound indicator for the explosion of rockets.
Bug Fixes
- Aim Assist "Snap-To" Adjustments
- We've added a compounding time delay to the aim assist "snap-to" feature when spamming the Aim Down Sight button. Each button press after the first will apply a time delay, up to 5 seconds, before the aim assist "snap-to" effect is applied.
- We are making this change to prevent situations where players would spam the Aim Down Sight button on enemies, which caused the crosshair to stay locked on to targets indefinitely.
- This change should prevent the lock-on mechanic from being abused while retaining the same Aim Assist feel. We'll be closely monitoring feedback about this change.
- Fixed an issue where Bottle Rockets would not align to specific slope angles.
- Cozy Campfire logs no longer block movement.
- Prevent weapon auto-reload from canceling emotes.
- Fixed an issue that allowed traps to trigger through lab tunnel walls in Dusty Divot.
- Fixed auto pickup not occurring when landing from skydiving.
- Fix issue where a player with no traps would switch to the build tool if they hit the button to equip traps.
- Fixed an issue where glider items could be triggered right after teleporting with a Rift-to-Go which would block subsequent skydiving.
- Fixed an issue that would block building beneath a mounted turret.
- Fixed an issue where Snowmen placed on the map would appear invisible or under the map.
- New Tournament Series – 'Share The Love Series' (Solo & Duo)
- Available from February 14 until February 24.
- Players will compete across any of four division tournaments:
- Open Division
- Prospect Division
- Contender Division
- Champion Division
- Earning enough points during any nightly session to receive a pin will unlock the next highest division.
- Earning a pin during a Champion Division session will advance to Round 2 – the Champion Division Finals!
- 'Share the Love Series' Sprays will be granted based on the highest division achieved, including the Champion Division Finals.
- All divisions run simultaneously and share the same tournament schedule. The full schedule for your server region can be viewed from the Events tab.
- New Tournament – 'Trios One Day Cup'
- Available on February 17
- Grab a couple of your best friends and join in for the Trios One Day Cup, going from a fully Open tournament to an intense final round with the best Trios in a single day.
- The tournament takes place across three rounds – earn a pin during each round to advance.
- The full schedule for your server region can be viewed within the Events tab.
- Tournaments can now take place across multiple rounds, with players needing to earn a pin in order to unlock the next round of the tournament.
- Multiple tournaments are now able to be running at the same time.
- Reduced the maximum matchmaking time for tournaments from 5 minutes to 4 minutes.
- This value limits the amount of time a player can wait for a match in a tournament before they create the best match possible at that time.
- Increased the minimum amount of players for tournament matches from 80 to 90.
- Streamer Mode can now be used during tournament play.
- In-game leaderboards are now fully available in all regions, for each tournament session. These can be accessed inside of the tournament page by clicking on any tournament session.
- Add audio when squadmates ready up in the lobby.
- The following audio improvements have been made for Mobile/Switch platforms:
- Improve skydiving wind audio.
- Add more variation to gunshot environment impacts.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the Air Horn emote only having 1 variation on Mobile/Switch.
- Stats v2
- The ability to track all of your play in one place and view it across all platforms.
- This includes the ability for mobile and Switch players to view their stats in-game.
- Breaks up stats by each individual Limited Time Mode.
- Players now receive a pop-up prompt informing them if a player they recently reported has had action taken against their account.
- When eliminated by the Storm, instead of saying "You Eliminated Yourself", the text now says "Eliminated by the Storm"
- Improved look and implementation of Bad Network Indicator and updated Bad Connection Indicator UI to track bad vs severe ping.
- Yellow indicates poor status, red indicates severe status, flashing red indicates dropped signal
- Slash commands have been improved and re-enabled in chat windows.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where you could switch between different tabs in the background if you were in the Player Feedback menu.
- Fixed missing Remove Marker map icon on Mac.
- Fixed Battle Pass info not displaying properly in the lobby in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue where elimination counts and names for teammates were not calculated properly in large team modes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing weapon animations to sometimes play twice for each shot fired in replays.
- Gifting returns for a Limited Time
- The Gifting feature is back for a limited time! You'll be able to send or receive presents from friends until February 22.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that would result in incorrect or duplicate party suggestion text bubbles to appear in the lobby.
- Adding an optional Targeted Edit button to allow you to edit without having to touch the screen. This allows the player to edit using their crosshairs, similar to other platforms.
- The Targeted Edit button can be found in the extra buttons section under the HUD Layout Tool.
- Edit and Edit Reset Buttons will now capture touches.
- No more editing through the edit button.
- Adding visual feedback to many mobile buttons to allow for better instant feedback and help us better diagnose issues seen in the community.
- Now backing up the most recently saved hud layout to the player's cloud save.
Bug Fixes
- Fixing an issue with the input blocked message appearing on mobile when leaving a game.
- Fixed an issue causing some key-bind widgets to display incorrectly on mobile with controllers.
- Quick switching from a weapon to a consumable no longer briefly fires the equipped weapon.
- Fixed multiple issues with Turbo Building or weapon firing stopping when switching weapons or switching between Build, Edit, Combat mode.
- Fixed an issue with touch input causing controllers to stop responding when scrolling.
- Fixed multiple issues to support more controller hardware as well as fixed many issues related to parts of the UI that may not be properly navigable by controllers
Fortnite Share the Love event
To celebrate Valentine's Day, Epic Games has announced a Share the Love event. In it, Fortnite will be running several challenges that offer several in-game rewards.
One of the challenges is called Overtime. By completing this before the end of the season, players will win five new rewards including a Valentine Wrap, Vines Contrail, and more if you're a Battle Pass owner.
In addition to all of the various giveaways and extra winnings, Epic Games is allowing players to earn the Season 8 Battle Pass for free. All users have to do to win is complete 13 challenges by the end of February.
Epic Games' Share the Love event is happening right now through February 27. You can learn more about it by clicking on the button below.
Fortnite Battle Royale Version 7.30 update overview
No, you're not going crazy — there are two version 7.30 updates. The previous version 7.30 update added controller support, a new weapon, and more.
This version 7.30 update introduces Bottle Rockets, environmental campfires that heal you and your teammates, and the new Wild West Duos limited time mode.
Make sure to check the patch notes below to get caught up on everything new.
Fortnite Battle Royale version 7.30 patch notes
Fight for a Victory Royale using a limited set of weapons and items, such as Hunting Rifles, Shotguns, and Dynamite. This town ain't big enough for the hundred of us!
What's New?
- Increased the chance for Slurp Juice to appear in Supply Drops.
- Unvaulted the Revolver and the Double Barrel Shotgun for this mode.
- Bottle Rockets
- A thrown item that launches a barrage of bottle rockets to the toward the targeted direction.
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Found from Floor Loot, Chests, Vending Machines, Supply Llamas, and Supply Drops.
- Drops in stacks of 2.
- Max stack size of 6.
- Fires 45 rockets of varying speeds randomly within a cone over roughly 9 seconds.
- Deals 10 player and 40 environmental damage per explosion.
- Max 2 active per player.
- Environmental Campfires
- Campfire props in the world can now be lit by interacting with them.
- Behaves like the Cozy Campfire, healing 2 health per second for 25 seconds to all nearby players.
- Each campfire can only be used once per match.
- You can tell if a campfire has been used by whether or not you can still see wood in it.
- Vaulted
- BoomBox
- Reduced the chance of receiving rocket ammo out of ammo boxes from 12% to 6%.
- Increased the impulse strength of the Launchpad by 28.5%.
- Reduced the chance to receive Dynamite from Chests from 7% to 5.33%.
- Sneaky Snowman will no longer drop from Chests.
- Chiller Grenade
- Lowered the volume of the beep.
- Architect Pop-Up Cup
- Removed the ability to edit enemy structures. Thank you for your feedback!
Every performer needs a stage! Build your dream venue with even more concert related props.
You may experience long load times or other unexpected errors.
- Disco Gallery B
- Added a second gallery of concert-related props.
- Stages
- Lights
- Speakers
- Added a second gallery of concert-related props.
- Bottle Rockets
- A thrown item that launches a barrage of bottle rockets to the toward the targeted direction.
Fortnite Battle Royale Version 7.30 update overview
Fortnite is introducing a new and very cold grenade. To go along with the game's current winter theme, the new weapon can be used to chill your enemies to the core!
For mobile players on Android, Fortnite just got a whole lot easier to play. Instead of having to rely on the on-screen buttons, Fortnite has added controller support for Android.
Check out the new SteelSeries Stratus Duo if you're looking for a Bluetooth controller to play with. If that's not for you, we have a list of the best controllers for Android that you should check out.
All things that glitter are gold in this Limited Time Mode! All weapon spawns are Legendary with increased material gathering. Drop in now and earn that Victory Royale.
Mode Details
- All weapon drops are Legendary.
- Increased amount of materials received from gathering.
- Chiller Grenade
- The Chiller Grenade will knock players back, causing them to slide along the ground.
- Allies, enemies, and vehicles hit with the Chiller Grenade will slip around with icy feet/wheels for a duration of 7 seconds.
- Drops in stacks of 3.
- Max stack size of 6.
- Common rarity.
- Can be found from Floor Loot and Vending Machines.
- Cozy Campfire – Updated Visuals
- We've updated the visual effects of Cozy Campfires to more clearly indicate when a campfire is in use or burnt out.
- Vaulted
- Bolt-action Sniper Rifle
- Burst Rifle
- Heavy Shotgun
- Common, Uncommon, and Rare
- Unvaulted
- Suppressed SMG
- Common, Uncommon, and Rare
- Suppressed SMG
- Reduced the drop chance of Dual Pistol from floor loot from 2.24% to 1.38%.
Bug Fixes
- Balloons no longer collide with vehicles.
- This resolves an issue where vehicles could be damaged when using Balloons while on a vehicle.
- Memory and networking optimization for Apples and Mushrooms.
- Added unique vehicle specific messages in the feed when players are eliminated or downed.
- Edit Delay
- Re-enabled client-side editing improvements.
- These were turned off in 7.20 due to an input bug they were causing.
- Fixed Boogie Bombs not affecting players that are wearing the Sneaky Snowman when struck on exposed legs/feet.
- Fixed Sneaky Snowman's last charge breaking away right after applying if another Sneaky Snowman is present in a different inventory slot.
- Fixed an issue where the glider would auto-deploy closer to the ground than expected when holding glider redeploy from the bus.
- Fixed the X-4 Stormwing's health bar occasionally not displaying.
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in a Sneaky Snowman if it landed next to them.
- Increased the amount of materials gained from looting Chests and Floor Loot from 20 to 30.
- Increased the number of materials received from Supply Drops from 40 to 60.
Bug Fixes
- Aim assist now targets enemies on vehicles rather than the base of the vehicles they're occupying.
- Quickly switching to Traps then weapons on gamepads no longer causes players to shoot or swing pickaxes.
- Supply Drop balloons now take environmental damage, including damage from explosives or biplanes gun.
- Fixed instances of a free wall piece showing as placeable but not building.
- Fixed player cameras from becoming distorted when another player enters a Zipline.
- Fixed an issue where the magnet on the Zipline could be invisible on use.
- Fixed an issue where boost visual effects could appear while operating a vehicle near a Zipline.
- Players can now properly progress through and complete the Week 4 "Use an X-4 Stormwing plane in different matches" Challenge.
- Screens no longer shake uncontrollably after after walking on icy surfaces.
- Players will no longer lose the ability to turn the X-4 Stormwing after hitting terrain/structures.
- The Guided Missile has been removed from Playgrounds.
- Removed the Spiky Stadium Supply Drop.
- This will remove the ability to loot the Spiky Stadium as well as Impulse Grenades.
- This was done due to an issue that was sending players back to the Lobby.
- New Tournament Added: Architect Pop-Up Cup (Solo, Duo, and Squads)
- Settings from previous Pop-Up Cup tournaments still apply to this tournament.
- Within this mode, player built structures can now be edited by any player, regardless of team status.
- This is an experiment that we'd like to try out in this testing environment, but aren't quite sure of the full impact. We'd love to hear feedback from your experiences playing with this change.
- Tournaments may now feature leaderboards for each event session, highlighting top performers.
- Participating in tournaments now requires a minimum account level of 10.
Bug Fixes
- Smoothed out drops in framerate that could happen with large changes in view direction and rendered character counts.
- Added a fuse sound to the Grenade.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed emote music overlapping with lobby music depending on the way volume sliders were configured.
- Show total party eliminations on the HUD if your team wins.
- Added additional models to the "Cycle Models" list when viewing Wraps in the Battle Pass or Item Shop.
- The party colors have been restored to Blue, Red, Purple, and Yellow. To distinguish players in LTMs like Food Fight.
- There are new icons for non-squad teammates and the opponent icons on the minimap.
- Rotating the camera on the Battle Bus no longer has an oscillating/swimming effect on the minimap.
- Fixed an issue in the Net Debug UI that would cause it to show a ping value that was too high.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where weapons were not equipping when double-clicking in the inventory after swapping their quickbar slots.
- Fix an issue where teammates scores would not be displayed.
- Fixed incorrect elimination count information occurring in large team modes.
- Fixed player sorting order in the player reporting UI.
- Fixed an issue where some of the leaderboard UI could sometimes blink repeatedly.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Spectator' button in the Player Reporting menu would only select the first player you spectated.
- Fixed an issue where the playlist selection screen could sometimes show an incorrect selection after leaving a party.
- Fixed a display issue with the item pick-up prompt that would sometimes occur after opening an ammo box.
- Fix lobby preview lengths of Pumpernickel, Running Man, Dance Therapy, and Hot Marat emotes.
- Celebrate Super Bowl LIII with new Los Angeles Rams and New England Patriots uniforms added to the Fourth Down Outfit set. Drop in and represent your favorite team!
- All players who previously purchased the Fourth Down set will be granted these variants.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed weapon animations playing twice for each shot fired in replays.
- Fixed an issue where camera/lens settings could display incorrect initial values.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to play an out of date replay selects another replay.
- Fixed players appearing jittery while using Ziplines in replays.
- Fixed Boombox music not playing when watching replays.
- The Streamer Mode setting has been replaced with two separate settings:
- Anonymous Mode
- This will display your name as "Anonymous" to all players that are not in your squad.
- Your account info will still be attached to reports submitted by other players using the Player Reporting feature.
- Hide Other Player Names
- This will display all other player names as "Player" unless they are in your squad.
- Neither of these settings will be functional when playing in a Tournament match.
- Anonymous Mode
Bug Fixes
- Party Invite Notifications will now appear when in the Game Mode select screen. Accepting the invite from the notification will take you to the proper game mode and join the party.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some party members to fail to matchmake with a "Version Mismatch" error if a party member joined, readied up, and matchmaking was started in rapid succession.
- Mobile Controller support
- Android: most of Bluetooth controller adapters, such as Steelseries Stratus XL, Gamevice, XBox1, Razer Raiju, and Moto Gamepad.
- iOS: MFi controllers, such as Steelseries Nimbus and Gamevice.
- Disabled phone vibration if a gamepad attached.
- 60Hz on select Android models
- We are rolling out 60Hz support (to be enabled in settings) on select Android devices. We have been working with our partners on optimizations and are rolling this out initially on the following specific models.
- Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (USA variant)
- Huawei Honor View 20
- Huawei Mate 20 X
- Added audio visualization icons for vehicles and Balloons
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causes players to be unable to build multiple structure types while simultaneously holding down the build button and changing build types.
- Fixed Harvesting Tool button no longer swaps back to the previously selected weapon
- Fixed Multiple simultaneous button presses on mobile can disable the fire button
- Fixed No padlock icon appears on the directional pad when locking with auto-run on mobile.
- Fixed Several UI buttons having lower resolution than the other buttons.
Piano Keys + Music Blocks
Jam out in Creative! Become a musician with these two new additions and imagine your very own original tracks.
Arctic Base Prefabs
Imagine and create your own frozen wonderland with the newest Prefabs available in Creative mode.
- Added an option to set edit permission per player on your Island.
- New option to control respawn times.
- Range 1 – 30 seconds.
- New option added to end games.
- The first team to reach a set number of eliminations wins.
- Range 1 – 10 or Off.
- The first team to reach a set number of eliminations wins.
- New option added: "After Last Spawn Go To Team"
- After running out of spawns in a game, you can now either become a spectator or be switched to a different team depending on the game's settings.
- Range includes "Spectator" and "Team 1 – 16".
- The Game Stats screen displayed after Creative games conclude now contains buttons for immediately restarting the game and restoring the Island.
- Increased the speed that Islands load after a game.
- Renamed "Game Modes" to "Score Preset" to better clarify what that option does.
- When joining a game in progress, players are now put in spectator mode until the game ends.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a server crash that could occur when a prefab was despawned.
- Fixed an out of memory server crash.
- Fixed Storm damage not applying if the health mutator was set to invincible.
- Creative mode games now properly set player orientation as well as location.
- Fixed spawn direction to always face the same direction when spawning.
- Fixed the Victory Royale animation when using Last Standing option.
- Fixed an issue where games would not end if a player was spectating.
- Fixed an issue where joining players would occasionally be able to play a Creative game despite having exceeded respawn limits.
- Fixed an issue where players would occasionally return to the Creative Hub in Spectate Mode.
- Fixed an issue where players could go outside of the playspace of the Creative Hub.
- Chiller Grenade added to Creative alongside its release to Battle Royale.
- Removed Guided Missile.
- Fixed the Wood Resource quantity to be consistent with the other material resources in the Creative Consumables screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Six Shooter displayed incorrect rarity color in the Creative Weapons menu and game.
- Fixed an issue where some Balloons would remain stuck in the air after being equipped.
- Added a drop indicator when holding copied prefab assets or props in the sky, to better predict drop placement.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed cases where players had Creative permissions on Islands they did not own or have rights to.
- Fixed an issue where sections of a prefab would disappear and reappear when copying with the Phone tool.
- Fixed an issue where the Phone tool would occasionally disappear upon ending a game on a Creative island.
- Added 6 Arctic Base Prefabs.
- Added Arctic Base Galleries
- Added a new Piano Key Gallery.
- Added a Music Blocks Gallery.
- Added an Ambient Gallery, which offers 8 color variance of Torches, Glow Sticks and Spotlights
- Added a Challenge Gallery, which are new elements that disappear when ran through by the player. More functionality coming in future updates.
- Added Random Chest and Ammo Box Gallery.
- Spawn rates use the latest Battle Royale loot rates.
- Added Windmill to the Farmstead Gallery.
- Added additional Winter Village Building Color Gallery.
- Added a Challenge Gallery, which are new props that disappear when ran through by the player. More functionality coming in future updates.
- Torches now cast light with shadow casting disabled.
- New Starting Inventory Device added,
- Allows you to choose what players start within their inventory during games. Works just like the Item Spawner except items are not spawned but added to the player's inventory at the start of games.
- Assign a team to the device to give items to a specific team only.
- New Barrier Zone added.
- This is a zone you can place that creates collision barriers that prevent players from moving past them.
- New Movement Modulator added.
- Allows you to change the speed of a player or vehicle
- Speed options are Super Slow, Very Slow, Slow, Normal, Fast, Very Fast, Super Fast
- You can set a duration in seconds 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120.
- When an Item Spawner has finished spawning all of its items during a game, its visual effects turn off to indicate it's dormant.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing Item Spawners to stop spawning new items if the item it spawned was combined with a nearby pickup of the same type.
- Removed extraneous stats from vehicle spawner devices.
- Sentries will no longer reload infinitely when running out of their range.
- Duplicate Sentry has been removed from Traps.
- Fixed the Christmas Tree that was appearing in prefabs that would shrink when grabbed by the Phone.
- Fixed an issue with the Ice Cliffs were they would lose collision when grabbed by the Phone.
- Fixed an issue with the Elimination Zone where the visual effects would not rotate with the trap.
- Fixed an issue where the Elimination Zone displayed an incorrect mesh upon placement.
- Fixed an issue where the Elimination Zone visual effects were not displayed correctly when the boundary limit was changed.
- Fixed an issue with the Elimination Zone where the boundary settings would occasionally return to default.
- Fixed an issue where players could not attach the Elimination Zone to walls.
- Fixed an issue where players with invincibility settings were not affected by the Elimination Zone.
- Fixed an issue where players who were down-but-not-out were unaffected by the Elimination Zone.
- Fixed an issue where traps were not destroyed after harvesting the floor underneath them.
- Fixed an issue where the effects from the Ice Block trap would trigger before players stepped onto the tile.
- Fixed an issue where adjacent Sentries were destroyed when damaging one with a Sniper Rifle in a Creative game.
- Fixed an issue where the lantern from the Lucky Landing Gallery would fall through the map when attempting to paste it in a Creative island.
- Fixed an issue where the vines from the Nature Snow Gallery and the Nature Shrub Gallery would fall out of the map when attempting to paste them in a Creative island.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where elimination counts would not be correct for other teammates when playing in large team modes, Playgrounds, and Creative mode.
- Fixed a crash related to Player Suggestions.
- Fixed an additional potential input loss that could result from receiving a gift while viewing the Add Friends screen.
- Fixed an issue where "Victory Royale" would occasionally fail to display at the end of a Creative game.
- Fixed an issue where "Victory Royale" would occasionally be presented to the wrong player after a Creative game ends.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles were displaying the damage stats of traps in the UI.
- Fixed overlapping Seat Switch and Rotate buttons on the mobile platform.
- Fixed an issue with a settings tooltip getting cut off screen.
- Fixed an issue where mobile players did not have a dedicated button to fly downward, in Create mode.
- Fixed an issue where players were prompted to 'edit' player built structures even though the setting to Block Building in Game was turned on.
- Fixed an issue where players were shown build previews on player built structures though the Block Building in Game was turned on.
- Optimized performance when using the Phone.
- Fixed an issue where players would run into low frame rate and instability when placing a lot of torches, from the Castle prefab, in a small areas
- Added notification sounds for matchmaking that can play even when the game is inactive or minimized. This can be configured under "Allow Background Audio" in the settings menu.
Bug Fixes
- Adjusted the timing code for automatic weapons to reduce the effect that frame rates have on fire rates.
- Fixed an issue where some car destruction visual effects were not rotated properly, causing the car's position to visibly jump once the car was destroyed.
- Fixed an issue preventing building repair animations from fully playing in some cases when being damaged and repaired simultaneously.
- The "leafy" particle effects no longer permanently remain on players after moving through corn fields.
- Fixed an issue where some audio sources would be audible over shorter distances than other platforms.
- Switch Optimization (Battle Royale + Creative)
- Moved to a more efficient memory allocator on Switch; significantly reducing crashes due to out of memory.
- Reduced hitches on Switch caused by garbage collection.
- Improved level streaming performance on Switch, speeding up building load times.
- Increased texture pool size on Switch by 100MB to reduce issues with blurry textures.
- GPU performance improvements for Switch – improved screen resolution.
- Doubled the limit for the number of cosmetics that can be displayed on the screen as we now have more free memory.
- Mobile Optimizations (Battle Royale + Creative)
- Enabled 60 FPS mode:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (USA variant)
- Huawei Honor View 20
- Huawei Mate 20 X
- Enabled 60 FPS mode:
- Enabled client-side prediction for high-end mobile devices in order to reduce networking/movement correction hitches.
- Optimized most weapon-based projectiles.
What would you like to see in future updates to Fortnite? Let us know in the comments.
from Android Authority http://bit.ly/2ELBsrh
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