Fortnite updates: The future is now as Season 9 kicks off with v9.00

Welcome to our Fortnite update tracker! We'll be collating all of the official Fortnite Battle Royale update/patch notes and breaking down all the new features added to Epic Games' phenomenon for Android and iOS phones and tablets, as well as PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch platforms.

More: Fortnite Season 9 guide: Battle Pass, skins, map changes, Fortbytes, and more!

If you want to stay up-to-date with all the new skins, map updates, weapon changes, and additions, new modes, and much more then be sure to bookmark this page for future reference!

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Fortnite update: The latest

Fortnite v9.00 update overview

Release date: May 9, 2019.

The new season of Fortnite is finally here! With it comes tons of map changes and a new Battle Pass, which you can read all about in our Fortnite Season 9 guide.

There are tons of changes to the map, as well as a new weapon called the combat shotgun. The pump shotgun, balloons, and others have been vaulted, but grenades have been brought back.

Fortnite v9.00 update patch notes

What's New?

Season 9 – Battle Pass

New Season, new Battle Pass. 100 levels, over 100 new rewards. Available in-game right now for 950 V-Bucks.


Get around locations quickly with the new Slipstream wind transportation system.

Fortnite update Season 9 map changes slipstreams

New Locations

Explore new points of interest that emerged from the destruction of the Volcano like Neo Tilted and Mega Mall.

Weapons + Items

  • Added Combat Shotgun
    • Semi-Automatic
      • Holds 10 Shells.
      • Fires 9 pellets per shot for 73 / 77 / 81 base damage.
      • Tight spread and fast fire rate.
      • Headshot multiplier of 1.70x.
      • Reloads 2 shells at a time.
    • Available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants.
    • Available from Floor, Chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines
  • Adjusted Tactical Shotgun damage
    • Base damage increased from 66/70/74 to 71/75/79
  • Reduced Drum Gun availability from 16.732% to 7.155%
  • Reduced Boom Bow availability from 1.292% to .755%
  • Unvaulted Grenades
  • Vaulted Clingers
  • Vaulted Buried Treasure
  • Vaulted Pump Shotgun
  • Vaulted Poison Dart Trap
  • Vaulted Scoped Revolver
  • Vaulted Suppressed Assault Rifle
  • Vaulted Thermal Assault Rifle
  • Vaulted Balloons

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Turbo building after gliding now works correctly.
  • The stink bomb damage audio and effects were not playing if you damaged yourself.
  • Fixed the Shadow bomb occasionally not making the player invisible on the Xbox One the first time it's used.
  • Misplacement of Launch Pads in mid-air has been resolved.
  • Pirate Cannon camera issues due to network latency have been resolved.
  • The Reboot Card deposit sound effects no longer play in replay mode while the Van is on Cooldown.
  • The Reboot Van card sound effects will no longer be heard when a squadmate disconnects.


  • Slipstreams
    • These tunnels of wind passively carry players down the stream.
      • Players can move faster and change direction when actively trying to move down the Stream.
      • Use directional input to gain extra velocity. Experiment with bobbing up and down for higher speeds.
    • Players are launched when exiting the tube based on their movement speed and exit angle.
    • Projectiles and Vehicles can also enter the Slipstream.
  • Air Vents
    • The powerful gusts of air from these environmental items can launch players short distances and grant immunity to fall damage.
  • Fortbytes
    • Fortbytes are a series of 100 collectible computer chips available to Battle Pass owners. As you collect Fortbytes, you'll decrypt a mysterious image. Collect them all to unlock rewards and uncover the secrets of Season 9.
    • On the first day of Season 9, there are 18 Fortbytes available to find. At least 1 new Fortbyte will be unlocked each day. Check the Challenges Tab for detailed information on which Fortbytes are currently available and when the others unlock.
    • Fortbytes cannot be collected after Season 9 ends.
  • Disconnected players will stay in the world for 60 seconds. They still take damage and count for elimination points.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Resolved an issue with the UI showing health gains incorrectly if the player canceled the consumable close to completion time.
  • PS4 controller lighting not always matching your pin color when in Squads.
  • Players not able to use Hold to Swap if they previously picked an item up normally
  • Adjusted turbo building to be more forgiving under poor network conditions
  • Fixed cases of jittery movement under certain conditions.

Limited Time Mode Rotation:


Classic Battle Royale with Three-Person Squads.

Solid Gold

Fight to the finish using Legendary weapons!

One Shot

Low Gravity. Every player has 50 health. Sniper weapons are the only weapon, Bandages are the only healing item. Jump high and aim well!


  • Players who have already qualified to be in the World Cup will be marked with a World Cup badge on the event leaderboards
  • Leaderboards now have a button to sort games by the number of top leaderboard players in them. This will help identify the most critical active games from a leaderboard standing view.
  • The in-game HUD now has different icons for points for Arena matches and weekend tournament matches.


  • Improved frame rate on Nintendo Switch, particularly when large numbers of characters are onscreen.
  • Addressed some cases of invisible characters after skydiving.


  • Better tactical audio when inside player-built structures:
    • Enemy Pickaxe impact within ~one building tile radius has new, louder sound.
    • Wallbreak by enemy close/behind player much clearer/louder.
  • Explosion audio improvements- shorter, higher dynamic range sounds that will make explosion audio clearer and punchier.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • "Swap" text appearing in the pickup UI will no longer appear when picking up more resources than the player can carry.
  • The initial storm warning timer was incorrectly showing as 0.
  • Spectators and replay watchers can now report users.
  • Fixed party invites not showing up in the UI if the user logged out and back in again.


  • Spectating a player's match will now automatically follow that player.


  • Auto fire will now trigger on vehicles.
  • Added option for increasing elimination feed line count in the HUD Layout Tool.
  • Dragging/Dropping from the quickbar is now allowed while jumping.
  • The location of the boost button on Android for the X-Stormwing has been moved to avoid triggering the Home button.
  • Squad formation is now accessible.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The delay with interacting when using the quickbar slots has been resolved.
  • Weapon icons now correctly display icons on the quickbar.
  • Fixed sliders that were broken in the Dead Zone tab of the Controller Options.
  • Auto fire adjustments:
    • Semi-automatic weapons now fire correctly.
    • Increased acquisition delay for shotguns.
  • Dynamite trajectory indicator is now correctly displayed during use.
  • Ziplines can no longer be ridden past their endpoints.
  • Autorun no longer takes more than two taps to initiate after jumping from Battle Bus.
  • Cooldown Timer visual for boost buttons on vehicles is now displayed correctly.
  • The camera no longer shakes when entering the X-Stormwing.
  • Left virtual thumbstick no longer becomes invisible when holding left or right and pressing the fire button.
  • The Harvest Tool UI button in HUD layout is no longer invisible.
  • The stair railing in Pleasant Park no longer clips through the door.
  • Variant numbers partially hidden in the preview screen by the "X" button.
  • The Dream cosmetic is now correctly displaying:
    • The butterfly
    • Eye glow effect
  • Widow's Bite pickaxe visual effect issue has been resolved.
  • The Cooldown ring timer showing briefly when switching seats in Cannon.
  • Interact Icon is no longer missing with certain consumables.
  • Input Blocked text will no longer appear when opening the inventory.
  • The Item Shop arrows now display correctly on iPhone XS Max.


  • Reworked default button layout to be consistent across vehicles (Enter, Exit, Switch Seat and Boost)


  • Sub-game select screen has been refreshed.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Improved visibility of squad icons on lobby player pads in large parties
  • Squad icons in large parties can no longer show an empty slot as ready
  • Selecting a highlighted team member in the lobby with a controller can no longer show options for a different member
  • Players will now appear correctly as a hologram, when joining a player currently in match
  • Reworded Squad formation messaging to be more clear
  • Fixed invisible character parts of players who are still loading into the match.


  • Players now remain in the Party voice channel by default when entering a match. The Game channel is still available, but the switch is no longer automatic.
  • Added a setting for the display of voice chat indicators.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Suggested friends in the social panel match the suggestions in the launcher
  • The "Sit Out/Jump In" button in Squad Formation is now displayed correctly
  • Sending a friend invite to a suggested friend no longer fails
  • Can now still send party invites after joining and leaving a party while set to "Friend" party privacy
  • Fixed potentially incorrect notification message when joining a channel
  • Voice indicators are no longer stuck on screen when leaving a party while members are speaking

Fortnite update history

Fortnite v8.51 update overview

Release date: May 2, 2019

Fortnite V8.51 introduces a new item, the shadow bomb, giving players temporary invisibility, increased movement speed, and double jump and wall jump capabilities. 


Shadow Bomb

  • Shrouds yourself in shadow, briefly becoming invisible to enemies.
  • 6-second duration
  • User becomes more visible to others near the end of the effect.
  • Increases your movement speed, provides the ability to double jump, and wall jump.
  • Players are unable to attack, build, or loot while under the effects of the Shadow Bomb.
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Can hold a maximum of 6
  • Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops, and Supply Llamas.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Sound effects for Jetpacks were occasionally playing much louder than they should be.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The Victory Royale UI animation was displaying for all players in Limited Time Modes with respawning enabled.




  • Create a Duet between you… and the Husks!



  • A high damage assault rifle that's good for sustained fire due to its large magazine capacity.
  • Available in the Weekly Store from May 1 at 8PM ET until May 8 at 8PM ET.




  • New Prefabs and Galleries based on Fortnite Battle Royale's restaurants and diners.
    • Durrr Burger Prefab
    • Uncle Pete's Pizza Pit Prefab
    • SofDeez Ice Cream Shop Prefab
    • 4 Diner Galleries


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Any Suggested Friends could not be added to friends.

Fortnite v8.50 update overview

Endgame – Limited Time Mode

Join the battle for the Infinity Stones! Fight as Chitauri and Thanos or wield Avengers items in the Endgame LTM.



Thanos and his Chitauri invade the Battle Royale island, in search of the six Infinity Stones.

Mode Details

  • Endgame features a team of heroes fighting to stop Thanos and his Chitauri from claiming all six Infinity Stones.
  • Both teams respawn when eliminated until the other side completes their objective.
  • On one side is the Hero team. Heroes respawn when eliminated until the enemy team has found all six Infinity Stones.
  • Heroes start with a treasure map that leads directly to a Mythic Avengers item.
  • Other Avengers items can be found in Chests throughout the map.
  • The goal for the Hero team is to destroy the Chitauri army and defeat Thanos.
  • Team Thanos is comprised of Chitauri Invaders and Thanos himself.
  • Chitauri Invaders start with a powerful laser rifle, an anti-structure grenade attack, and a jetpack that lets them briefly leap high into the air.
  • The first Chitauri to recover an Infinity stone will be transformed into Thanos.
  • Thanos has a powerful punch, a destructive beam attack, and the ability to jump high into the air and then smash anything in his way when he comes back down.
  • Each time an Infinity Stone is claimed, Thanos' abilities grow more powerful and the Chitauri gain health.
    • Reality Stone (Red) = Heath & Shields doubled (1000->2000)
    • Soul Stone (Orange) = Siphon activated (grants Thanos shields only)
    • Mind Stone (Yellow) = Jump height doubled
    • Space Stone (Blue) = Ground Pound AOE size tripled, damage x6
    • Time Stone (Green) = Big knockback added to each hit, damage x3
    • Power Stone (Purple) = Laser damage x6
  • If Thanos is eliminated from the match, another Chitauri will become him after a short wait (unless Thanos is the last one standing).
  • If Thanos & the Chitauri find all six Infinity Stones, Heroes will no longer be able to respawn.
  • The goal for Thanos and his army is to find the stones and then eliminate the remaining heroes.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The Hold to Swap functionality is now confirmed upon releasing the Use button rather than when initially pressing it.
    • This should help with the issue of accidentally swapping.
  • If a player is eliminated by fall damage while inside a vehicle, the player that last damaged that vehicle will receive the credit for that elimination.
  • Re-enabled hit markers to be server-side authoritative instead of client-side.
    • This will help prevent instances where players see hit markers but no damage.
  • Players that were Rebooted into Rifts were teleporting into the sky but would not enter skydiving mode.
  • Vehicles weren't getting impulsed away from the Reboot Van.
  • Collision for the Reboot Van was not affecting some vehicles, allowing them to hide inside of the Reboot Van.
  • The yellow "invulnerability" effect wasn't appearing on players who were revived by the Reboot Van.
  • The Reboot Card was still playing its spawn sound even if the player disconnected.
  • Dropping inventory items while in vehicles with weapons is now blocked to prevent various camera issues.
  • Traps were occasionally being placed in the middle of a tile rather than against a wall when using Builder Pro.
  • When exiting vehicles, the equip animation will now always play before weapons can be fired.
    • This will prevent the issue where players would occasionally see themselves fire right after exiting a vehicle before the server had time to register the shot.
  • The elimination feed text will no longer display the "eliminated by ally" message if an ally interrupts a player reboot animation.
  • Fall damage was being taken when using a Jetpack (in supported Limited Time Modes) after being launched from the Pirate Cannon.
  • Players were not able to negate fall damage using a Flintlock Pistol while crouching.
  • Players couldn't see the nameplates of party member's Reboot Cards in the UI.
  • Players would not drop a Reboot Card if they were eliminated after confirming a Reboot but before their teammate actually spawned.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • We've resolved an issue that was preventing the correct amount of Survival XP from being granted after games and have gifted XP to players as compensation.
    • You'll receive this compensation via the Gifting system.


  • New Tournament – April 27 & 28: Fortnite World Cup Online Open Week 3 ($1,000,000 total prize pool!)
  • Solo Game Mode
    • Participation in this event requires players to reach Champion League in Arena.
    • Region Lock is in effect – players may only participate in the qualifier for a single server region each week of the Online Opens. The server region of the first match entered for that weekend's tournament will be the one the player will be locked into for that entire weekend.
    • Format:
      • April 27 – Round One: All Eligible Players.
      • April 28 – Round Two: Top 3000 Players from Round One.
  • Streaming Replays – Currently only available on PC & Mac.
    • Added tournament Match History, which can be viewed by selecting a player on the leaderboards.
      • Replays can be viewed from each match that player has played.
    • Added the ability to spectate live matches during tournaments by selecting a player on the leaderboards.
      • Note: Match must have been running for 10 minutes for live replay to be available.
    • Added the ability to view a specific match by game session ID using the "View Streaming Replay" button in the Replay Browser.
  • Arena & Tournaments will now record profile stats to Solo/Duo/Squad categories rather than as an LTM.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Players in Arena were incorrectly seeing themselves demoted to a lower division after losing Hype.
    • This was strictly a visual issue and all Hype values and division unlocks are once again being displayed correctly.
  • Tournament posters in-game were incorrectly showing certain events as starting in '2 Days'.
  • Tournament posters and the Arena Panel were not loading properly on mobile devices.


Bug Fixes & Improvements.

  • Resolved a cause of significant hitching during skydiving. and during late game combat.


  • We've added a unique animation for petting the dog and other Pets.


  • Added Sound Visualizer without Spatialization (panning) of sounds in-game.
    • By introducing this mode, if you are a hearing-impaired player, then you will now be able to play the game with audio and the visualizer turned on simultaneously!
    • Drop in and give us your feedback about these changes either in-game or on our social channels to help us continue to make improvements for the future!​​​​​

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Various gameplay sounds (gunshots, walking, reloading) will no longer retrigger at incorrect/random times.
    • This was causing "ghost" sounds to be heard when nothing was causing the actual sound effect.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause certain things to not have looping audio when they should.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • When healing with foraged Banana or Apples, the full visual effects weren't playing when viewed in replays.


  • The reactive effects were not working properly for the Marshmello Outfit.
  • MSAA anti-aliasing enabled on P30 Pro, Mate 20, Mate 20X.
  • The interact button now has context-sensitive icons.
  • You can now move while the map is open by providing input on the left side of the screen.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Made improvements to stability and to resolve some crashes.
  • Made performance improvements on the iPad Mini 4 and Air 2.
  • The movement joystick wasn't appearing on the HUD for certain devices.
  • Push notifications were not being sent after updates finished downloading.
  • Blocked players on player's friend lists were not appearing as 'Blocked'.
  • The fire button and right fire-stick would not function after anchoring the Baller grapple with tap to fire.
  • The right fire-stick was not allowing camera movement while in the Baller.
  • The Baller grapple was not releasing on the first tap.
  • Players could get stuck in an infinite fire loop after exiting the Baller while it was anchored with the grapple.
  • Double tapping was required to detach the Baller's grapple when using tap to fire.
  • There were visual issues on the Back Button in the menus.
  • Voice Chat icons from players set to "sit out" were not appearing.
  • Ammo boxes weren't opening.
  • The Confirm and Cancel buttons in Squad Management were difficult to touch/interact with.
  • The Option menus were closing the unapplied changes was closing the entire menu instead of just the popup prompt.
  • Menu icons could be removed from the HUD Layout Tool.
  • Vehicle boost icons were appearing different between viewing them in a match vs in the HUD Layout Tool screen.
  • The Score Tracking widget can now be removed from the Mobile HUD
  • Score Tracking widget can now be removed from Mobile HUD
  • It was difficult to see character and weapon animations while using the Boom Bow.
  • The Map widget was setting its anchors inappropriately when moved in the HUD layout tool, making some attached game mode UI push the Map widget off the screen.
    • You may need to reset the Map widget in the HUD Layout Tool to resolve this issue.



Game Rounds

  • Play a round! New game settings are now available, such as the ability to add rounds! Find out more in the Gameplay section below.

Phase Mode

  • Phase mode allows you to toggle collision with objects and the world On & Off. When you're in Phase mode you can pass freely through all terrain and bring objects with you.

Pirate Ship Prefab

  • Avast, ye mateys! Become the captain of your very own Pirate Ship! Imagine and create your own Pirate Cove using this new prefab.


  • Added two new featured Island portals to the Creative and Playground Hub.
  • Reduced player Island portals from 8 to 6 in the Creative Hub.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Material resources were not being reset when returning to the Hub.
  • Infinite material resources were not being toggled properly when Island permissions changed.


  • New Rounds game settings
    • You can now add rounds to any game.
    • Everything will be reset to the original pre-game state when starting a new round.
    • Each round uses the end game Score and Winner display settings to announce a winner, and also displays a round scoreboard.
    • The number of wins per team or player is displayed on the scoreboard.
      • In the future, we will be adding an overall winner for the game display.
    • The Total Rounds setting sets the number of rounds from 1 to 100.
  • Updated options for Eliminations, Creature Eliminations, Objectives to Win, and Collect Items to:
    • Win to be Off, 1-10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 500, or 1000.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Players could cause damage to each other after a game had ended.
  • Games were taking unexpectedly long times to start on Islands with Creative Spawners.
  • Lobby music would play on a continuous loop after winning a game.
  • Players in a party that was set to "Sit Out" would go into the game if the party leader joined a game in progress.


Added Phase mode:

  • While flying, you can now activate Phase mode to pass through objects and terrain!
    • Phasing can be very useful for quickly navigating your Island while editing.
    • To activate or deactivate Phase mode:
      • On the keyboard, press the N key(this can be reassigned in Settings).
      • On controllers, hold down the Left Thumbstick.
      • On mobile devices, you can assign a new Phase button to your HUD which allows you to toggle Phase.
  • Your Phase setting will be remembered, so you'll continue to phase after you stop and start flying.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fruit consumable could not be selected by the Phone.
  • Some props or tiles could vanish when copying nearby objects after Multi-Selecting them.
  • Player build walls could be scaled and rotated if selected alongside another object using Multi-Select.
  • Prop orientation would change unexpectedly when Grid Snap was toggled.


  • Added the Pirate Ship Prefab.
  • Added the Pirate Ship Gallery.
  • Added six Pirate Cove Prefabs.
  • Added the Pirate Cove Gallery and Pirate Cove Prop Gallery.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The metal trash can in General Props Gallery B was prevented from being cut or copied.
  • The draw distance for the trash bag has been improved, allowing them to be visible from further away.
  • Roof pieces from the Military Base Set were turning green after being placed with Multi-Select.
  • The pillars in the Ice Castle Set could not be placed after being rotated on a changed axis.
  • Canceling a cut of the rings from the Rings Gallery would cause that ring to be unaffected by the Phone.
  • The Ice Castle Balcony was unable to be placed correctly.


  • Added new options to Stormwing Spawner to configure whether objects are destroyed when they're hit:
    • Boosted Health Threshold – While boosting straight into an object with this amount of health or less, it will be destroyed immediately (Default: Everything)
    • Direct Hit Health Threshold – After a head-on collision into an object, if it has this amount of health or less it will be destroyed (Default: 300)
    • Breakthrough Health Threshold – Anything the Stormwing bumps with this amount of health or less will be destroyed. (Default: 0)
    • Options (Battle Royale, 0, 150, 300, 450, 600 or Everything)
      • Battle Royale – Use the current balance as defined by Battle Royale (This will change over time based on the Stormwing's current state in Battle Royale)
      • 0 – 600 – The current health the object must be below for it to be destroyed.
      • Everything – There is no threshold, everything will be destroyed.
  • New options for Objective Device
    • Updated health bar look with a selectable identifying letter.
    • Added option to identify the objective NONE, A, B, C, D, W, X, Y or Z
    • Added option to show the objective health in the HUD
    • Make sure to select Objective as the HUD Type in the UI Settings.
  • Added Hide Health Bar At options 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45
  • Added option to Objective Devices to set their Beacon Color:
    • Red, Blue or Orange: The beacon will always appear with the chosen color.
    • Friendly/Enemy: The beacon will be colored either Red or Blue depending on whether it is on the opposing team or not.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Spawned Creatures and Sentries were remaining active even after a game had ended.
  • The Boom Bow was not causing damage to Sentries.
  • Incorrect text was being displayed after a Sentry eliminated a player.
  • Two Sentries could spawn on top of each other when starting a game.
  • Sounds would not play when scoring in a Capture Area while the Radio was playing.
  • Increased the draw distance of coins by 3 times their previous distance.
  • Made the Pinball Bumper the same draw distance as the Pinball Flipper.


  • You can now display the Scoreboard in game by pressing the Map button while a game is in progress. This option is on by default.
    • Use the Map Display Widget option to choose between Scoreboard and Default Map.
  • Added Objectives to HUD Type that allows for Objectives health to be shown on HUD

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The material resources icons were not showing the "infinite" graphic.
  • The UI in Creative Mode was still appearing after switching to Save the World if the game was not restarted.
  • Scoreboard Fixes
    • Only two players with identical scores could show as tied for the same place.
    • The scoreboard was not appearing when choosing a narrow time difference between "Winner Display Time" and "Score Display Time".
    • Sometimes displayed the same player's name multiple times.
    • Player's row was not consistently being highlighted.
    • Placement placards would always show "1st" when on teams.
    • Various team settings caused scoreboard columns to be offset.
    • The Score Tracking widget was unable to be removed from the HUD on mobile.
  • The Time setting in the UI Settings was not counting upward.
  • The Time setting was appearing in both the UI Settings tab and the Game tab. It now only shows in the UI Settings tab.
  • There was a typo in the Radio track "Fortnite Remix".
  • A party leader joining a Creative server would sometimes take Sitting Out players with them into a game.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Players could not enter Ghost Mode.



  • Cottontail Eagle Eye.
    • Bounce into battle and drop eggs on the Husks with this new Legendary Outlander.
  • Bowler
    • More cannons? No problem! Launch bouncing cannonballs at those Smashers with this returning launcher.


  • Twine Peaks tweaks!
    • Missions have been added to the top end of Twine Peaks with higher difficulties, and better rewards.
      • Hero, Schematic, and Survivor XP
      • Higher Gold rewards
      • Better world loot
      • Better materials (Brightcore / Sunbeam)
        • These are the first steps we're taking in adding harder content to Save the World.
  • Beta Storm Resupply returns!
    • New primary goals have been added:
      • Harvest enough rocks before the timer runs out!
      • Collect 10 Supply Crates!
    • The Collect Mushrooms and/or Barrels are now bonus objectives rather than main objectives.
    • The smallest safe area circle radius has been increased to allow for safer harvesting.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed an issue that caused mushrooms in Plankerton to not count towards the Resupply mission objective.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Mac players will no longer get kicked back to the map screen when trying to join a lobby.
    • We recently fixed this issue for other players prior to the release of v8.50.
  • Extra loading screens were appearing when leaving the lobby.
  • The lobby "manage player" confirmation screen was showing an incorrect banner and power level.
  • Descriptions for schematic rewards were not showing when viewed in the mission rewards section on the map.
  • Some Schematic/Heroes had text and numbers cut off their descriptions.
  • Armory slot items were showing unrelated tabs when previewing it from the shop.
  • The Launch button would appear enabled but would be unusable when trying to launch an SSD mission.
  • Collection Book Hero rewards were not displaying properly after claiming a random Hero reward.
  • Collection Book completion pages were not updating when unslotting items or adding new items to a page.
  • The wood harvesting UI was getting stuck on player screens when rejoining a mission or re-enabling the HUD.
  • Players joining a game in progress would not appear in the team list HUD.
  • Player power levels were appearing as "1" instead of the correct power level.
  • Updated tooltip attack speed stats for melee weapon schematics.


  • Made improvements to gameplay modifiers to help with performance issues.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Players were hitching while moving through/interacting with the menus.


  • Introducing Cottontail Eagle Eye, a new Legendary Outlander!
    • Standard Perk: Un-eggs-pected Departure
      • Phase Shift leaves 3 egg bombs, which deal 18 base damage to nearby enemies.
    • Commander Perk: Un-eggs-pected Departure+
      • Phase Shift leaves 3 egg bombs, which deal 45 base damage to nearby enemies.
    • Available in the Event Store on April 25 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
  • The Legendary Constructor Miss Bunny Penny Returns!
    • Standard Perk: Plasma Overdrive
      • Decreases Plasma Pulse Energy Cost by 38%.
    • Commander Perk: Plasma Overdrive+
      • Decreases Plasma Pulse Energy Cost by 75%.
    • Available in the Event Store on April 25 at 8 PM Eastern Time.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The Escape Artist+ tooltip was displaying an incorrect duration.
  • The Critical Blast+ and Sure Shot+ tooltips were displaying incorrect values.


  • The Bowler returns!
    • Fires cannonballs that damage and knockback groups of enemies. The cannonballs can bounce before exploding, damaging nearby enemies with each bounce.
    • Available in the Weekly Store from April 25 at 8PM ET until May 2 at 8PM ET.
  • The Bowler has been added to the Flintlock Weapons page in the Collection Book.


  • Updated the audio for the Noble Launcher charging up.
  • Added audio when players are cycling through traps.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Sounds were missing on Dashing Hare Ken's martial arts animations.


  • We've reworked the Ready / Not Ready logic in several places. This should prevent/resolve instances of players involuntarily being marked as Not Ready.
    • Only the Party Leader will be marked as Not Ready when the following events occur:
      • A party member leaves
      • A party member joins
      • The selected playlist is changed
    • Everyone but the Party Leader will remain Ready after returning to the lobby from match.
  • Added some additional text to the Play Button area to show which party members still need to ready up.


  • Added an option to view your current voice channel (and toggle between Party / Game channels) in the Escape menu.
  • Active Voice Indicators now appear for all party members, not just those that are Sitting Out.
  • The Auto-Join Game Voice Channel setting is now limited to cases where your squad has been filled with other non-party-member players.
  • The Party Member list in the Social Panel indicates the Party Leader.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Players in the lobby would sometimes have each other's in-game status text rather than their own.
  • Players on Xbox One could experience intermittent failure when accepting a game invite or when joining a game session before the game has been launched.


  • Added a UI option to disable the Render Hardware Interface Thread that was added in 8.30.
    • RHIT provides performance improvements PC's with quadcore CPUs and higher but can decrease performance on low-end machines.
  • Improved performance by reducing the number of audio components created when a weapon drops.
  • Improved vehicle performance.

Fortnite v8.40 update overview

Release date: April 16, 2019

This Fortnite update brings the wacky new Air Royale limited time mode, where players take to the skies in prop planes. It's only available in duos, so grab a friend and don't touch the ground!

If planes aren't your thing, there's another limited time mode called Food Fight. It's similar to the previous Floor is Lava mode combined with the game's single player Save the World mode. There are also now Epic and Legendary versions of the Infantry Rifle.

Fortnite v8.40 update patch notes


Air Royale Limited Time Mode

  • Pilot the X-4 Stormwing in this Limited Time Mode as you fight to become the last plane flying! Complete free Challenges to unlock brand new Wraps as you rule the skies.

Infantry Rifle

  • New rarities for this precise, semi-automatic weapon are available now! Find and wield the Epic/Legendary variants and deliver accurate fire downrange.


  • Climb aboard a plane and take to the skies in this fast-paced mode where players fight to be the last one flying!
  • Air Royale is lifting off as a Duos-only mode.
  • Each plane has three lives, players will respawn until they lose their plane's last life.
  • Touching the ground will instantly eliminate players.
  • Parking a plane on the ground for more than a few seconds will cause it to explode – stay airborne!
  • Hijacking another team's plane will add that plane to your existing number of plane lives (and cost the team who lost the plane a life).
  • The storm has a ceiling that gradually lowers during the match. Be careful not to fly too high late in the match!
  • Loot chests of five different rarities will fall from the sky, allowing players to upgrade the guns they are carrying as well as boosting their plane's weapons for a short time.
    • To receive the contents of a Chest, simply fly through it.
  • If players receive loot from a Chest containing a weapon they already have that's of the same or worse quality, they'll receive additional ammo.
    • Chests with higher quality guns will automatically replace the lower quality weapon that's being carried.
  • Floating repair kits can also be found, these heal damaged planes, and grant health and shields to players.


  • Two teams on either side of the map. A huge barrier down the middle. Lava steadily rising up from below. Build a fort to protect your restaurant mascot. When the Barrier lowers, destroy the enemy's mascot and then eliminate the remaining enemies to win the match!
  • An impassable barrier will be spawned along the center of the map for the first several minutes. Lava starts rising from beneath the map a few minutes into the match.
  • Each team will have an under-construction restaurant near the center of the map. Inside is a giant mascot head representing that team.
  • If the mascot head is destroyed, that team loses the ability to respawn when eliminated.
  • Players should use the time that the barrier is up to construct a defensive fortress around their restaurant.
  • As soon as the barrier lowers, fight to take out their mascot before they destroy yours!
  • Special red supply drops spawn at match start. These hold a handful of weapons, ammo, consumables, traps and a few hundred metal building materials.
  • Players will respawn when eliminated, keeping their inventory & dropping some ammo and resources.
  • 100 percent extra resources are gained from farming.
  • Building resources found on the ground increased from 30 to 50 per instance.
  • No explosive weapons or items are in this mode.
  • A small amount of free building materials are granted to each player every second.
  • The restaurants are now much higher, requiring players to build up to them.
  • May the best food win!


  • Egg Launcher
    • Everyone's favorite egg-themed Grenade Launcher skin is back!
    • This is a visual only change for the Grenade Launcher.
  • Infantry Rifle
    • Added Epic and Legendary Infantry Rifle variants.
    • Deals 42/44 damage.
    • Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops and Vending Machines.
    • Uses Medium Ammo.


  • You can now pet the dog… and other Pets!
  • The Battle Pass Friend XP Bonus has been upgraded!
    • Instead of giving a small XP boost to each friend in your party, you now get a larger XP boost for partying with one or more friends.
    • The overall total XP Bonus remains the same (120%) and will now be much easier to keep active
    • In short, play any match with any number of friends and you'll be getting the same amount of XP as someone who's been playing with a full squad of Battle-Pass-owning friends.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Season 8 trailer wouldn't play in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the embers from environmental Campfires would linger if the floor they were attached to was destroyed.
  • Fixed issue where Coconuts could not be pinged.
  • Fixed an issue where turbo building could stop if you ran out of the current type of material you were using.
  • Fixed an issue with Traps being be placed inside walls, making them difficult to see.
  • Fixed an issue with Traps being placed inconsistently when auto-placed.
  • Fixed 'Emotes' not playing when bound to specific keys.
  • Fixed an issue when using 'Replay Last Emote' before using any other emote, so it now plays the emote in the default slot.


  • New Tournament – April 20 & 21: Fortnite World Cup Online Open Week 2 ($1,000,000 total prize pool!)
    • Top performers in each server region will qualify to the Fortnite World Cup Finals in New York City.
    • Full Fortnite World Cup details and official rules can be found here:
    • Duos Game Mode
    • Participation in this event requires both players to have reached Champion League in Arena.
    • Region Lock is in effect – players may only participate in the qualifier for a single server region each week of the Online Opens. The server region of the first match entered for that weekend's tournament will be the one the player will be locked into for that entire weekend.
    • Format:
      • April 20 – Round One: All Eligible Players.
      • April 21 – Round Two: Top 1500 Teams from Round One.
  • Added Fortnite World Cup Qualifier slots onto the prize breakout for Online Open tournaments.
  • Visual improvements for Lobby panel during Online Open tournaments.
  • Updated how Anonymous Mode works in tournaments to provide an improved experience for stream viewers while still protecting streamers.
    • When a player is eliminated, their name will be shown in the elimination feed.
    • When a player eliminates an opponent, their name will be shown to the eliminated player only.
  • Maximum Screen Aspect Ratio can no longer be greater than 16:9.


  • Resolved a performance regression occurring on PCs with less than quad-core CPUs.
    • If you're still experiencing performance issues on PC, try manually adding the "-NoRHIThread" to the Epic Games Launcher settings for Fortnite.


  • Increased the size and intensity of the Boom Bow explosion effects to better represent the damage radius.


  • Adjusted the attenuation of the Reboot Van cooldown and Reboot Chip ambient looping audio, so that it's not as loud.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Shotgun equip sounds to occasionally not play.


  • Mimic!  When bringing up your emote wheel there's now an option that appears if you're looking at another player doing an emote you own, to allow you to play the same emote.
  • When hiding HUD elements in the options, some of them now collapse to free up the space they were taking up – the minimap for example.
  • There's now a HUD UI option to hide the vehicle control hints.

Bug Fixes

  • The Limited Time Mode Victory screen is no longer pushed out of place on mobile/Switch.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where drone speed was not saved when scrubbing
  • Fixed an issue where scrubbing a replay while in Drone Attach mode would result in the camera being left behind.


  • Updated the Baller controls on default and custom HUDs.
    • Baller controls are available to be adjusted in the HUD Layout Tool for custom HUD players.
  • Audiovisual shot indicators will no longer display for players in the same vehicle.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Android app icon being incorrectly displayed.
  • Fixed an issue with Voice Chat while spectating
    • Push-To-Talk button is also no longer hidden while spectating
  • Fixed an issue where Auto-run would not activate in vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue where the Reboot Card description was missing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Arena overview panel was not displaying.
  • Fixed an issue with the FPS counter being shown twice.
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon icon would not display in inventory hot bar sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where textures would appear stretched when on a Creative Island.
  • Fixed an issue that displayed a checkmark icon on certain commands of vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue where a second storm wall would appear in the desert biome during the first closing period.
  • Fixed an issue where some chests could not be opened.
  • Fixed issues where weak wifi halted gameplay and could cause some disconnects.



Explosive Device 

  • Destruction and demolition are made easy with The Explosive Device, now in Creative Mode.

Scoreboard Customization 

  • Customize the in-game scoreboard in new ways! Open the "My Island" menu to discover the different possibilities.


  • When on the Hub, Featured Island portals now appear as doorways to these featured games.
  • Simplified the text above the portals to show the Creator's name and the Island's name.
    • Approaching the portal will cause a description for the game to animate into view.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the player's character would face the wrong direction when starting a game.
  • Fixed an issue where games could be started simultaneously on different islands when initiated by a player in the same server.
  • Fixed an issue where players could damage each other after the scoreboard appears.
  • Fixed an issue where players who join a match that's in progress would not see progressive Outfit changes on the Peely Outfit.
  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to aim down sight when playing games.
  • Fixed an issue where players would be scored as "Knocked Down" while spawning into a game in progress.
  • Fixed an issue where Reboot Cards were incorrectly appearing in Creative games.


  • Infantry Rifle
    • Epic and Legendary Infantry Rifle variants
      • Deals 42, 44 damage


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a bright blue light would appear while copying and pasting objects with the Phone.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not enter Build Mode when the Phone was equipped, while using a controller.
  • Known issue: Delete sound effect plays twice when deleting an object.


  • Updated Car Gallery A with a Submarine, Arctic Submarine and Helicopter.
  • Updated the Jungle Temple Props Gallery with 3 different sized Moai Statues.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in the Military Behemoth where external wall vents could appear to be floating.
  • Fixed an issue in the Military Behemoth where players could unintentionally drop off some stairways.
  • Fixed an issue where Military Gallery B Blue had a couple of building pieces showing up as red.
  • Fixed an issue where the collision box was too large around some assets in the Ring Gallery.


  • All new Explosive Device
    • When damaged during a game, the device will explode and damage objects and players around it
    • Limited to 100 Explosive Devices per island
    • Modify the following options:
      • Player Damage – The amount of damage inflicted on surrounding players (0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, elimination)
      • Structure Damage – The amount of damage inflicted on surrounding structures (0, 5, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000)
      • Damage Indestructible Buildings – Turning on this option will destroy buildings, even if "Building Damage In Game" is "Off"..
      • Health – The health of the Explosive Device (1, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000)
      • Blast Radius – How far the explosion will reach from the point of origin (0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3)
      • Knockback – How forceful the explosion will be at knocking back players (off, low, medium, high, very high, super high)
      • Ignore Team For Damage – Turn on to ignore a specified team when dealing damage (none, 1-16)
      • Explode on Proximity Range –  Turn on to explode when a player is at a set distance from the device (off, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
      • Ignore Team For Proximity – Turn on to ignore a specified team when entering designated proximity range (none, 1-16)
      • Time To Detonation From Game Start –  Turn on to start a timer for automatic detonation when a game starts (off, 5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 hr)
  • Creature Spawner has been updated to visualize the spawn radius around the device.
  • Added a "Spawn Through Walls" option to the Creature Spawner.
    • Turning this off will prevent creatures from being spawned on the other side of walls.
  • Added "Preferred Spawn Location" option to the Creature Spawner with "At Max Distance" or "Random" options.
    • "At Max Distance" will spawn creatures at the edge of the Max Spawn Distance.
    • "Random" will spawn them at random points within the spawn radius.
  • For the following devices, turning "Visualization" off will hide the device immediately upon starting a game, instead of waiting for the game start countdown to finish.
    • Barrier
    • Damage Volume
    • Player Checkpoint Plate
    • Player Spawn
    • Item Spawner
    • Radio
    • Music Sequencer

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Billboard had improper collision when reloading the Island or copying with the creative tool.
  • Fixed an issue where the Item Spawner "Time Before Initial Spawn" option was not functioning as intended.
  • Fixed an issue with the Shooting Gallery that would prevent players from hitting the bullseye on some targets.
  • Fixed an issue with the Shooting Gallery where you couldn't hit the bullseye until you had started a game.
  • Fixed an issue with the Shooting Gallery that prevented sniper rifles from being able to register hits on the bullseye.
  • Clarified the units of time (eg. seconds, minutes) for related options on the Target Dummy Track in the Shooting Gallery.
  • Fixed an issue where the Target Dummy "Proximity Pop Up Range" setting only triggered at half the expected distance.
  • Fixed an issue where the Billboard was causing stretched textures to appear on player's Islands when playing on mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character's head would appear floating over the Cannon when attempting to fly while inside.
  • Fixed an issue with the Capture Area device having inconsistent collision around the base.
  • Fixed an issue where the Creature Spawner destruction animation would trigger even though visibility was set to "Off".


  • "UI Settings" can be found in the "My Island" menu.  Providing the ability to modify various user interfaces.
    • Time – Choose whether the clock counts down or up
    • Score Display Time – The amount of time the scoreboard is displayed after a match (Don't Show, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 seconds)
    • Winner Display Time – The amount of time the Winner UI is displayed (Don't Show, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 seconds)
    • HUD Type – Choose the optimal heads-up-display for the type of game you created (Default, Creature Elimination, Score)
    • Scoreboard Stat 1-5 – Choose the statistics that are tracked and shown on up to 5 columns on the scoreboard at the end of the match (None, Eliminations, Assists, Knocked Down, Collect Items, Health, Creature Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time)
      • These statistics will serve as a tie-breaker (in sequential order) in the case that there is a tie under the primary rules of the game
  • The end of game Scoreboard has received a visual makeover to coincide with the new scoreboard options available for creators.
  • Winners are now prompted with new celebration animations, similar to the Victory Screen in Battle Royale.

Bug Fixes

  • You should now be able to see team member names over their heads based on the My Island Options.
  • Fixed an issue where placed trap sounds overlap and were very loud when spawning into a game.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle destruction sound effects would play loudly when spawning into a game.
  • Fixed an issue where favorite Island codes could not be removed from the Featured Island Code list when using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fly Up prompt shows 'Unbound' in the Tooltip when using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where the ammo count wasn't displaying as infinite on weapons when infinite ammo was enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various performance and stability issues.

What would you like to see in future updates to Fortnite? Let us know in the comments.

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