The latest Telegram update is rolling out with some handsome upgrades. In a blog post published late last week, Telegram announced it had redesigned the Android version of the app, and added a new chat archive feature.
Archives works like this: swipe left on a conversation and it will move to your archived chats folder. If someone from that chat sends a message in the future, you'll receive a notification and it will return to your chat list like any other conversation. Archived chats can also be hidden from their folder with another left swipe, and you can view hidden archives by dragging the screen down.
You can also pin archived chats to keep them in a preferred order.
Telegram for Android has received a new chat menu too. Tap and hold on a chat to launch the menu where you'll be able to select multiple chats to mute, archive, pin or delete them.
Moving onto the redesign, the first thing you'll notice here is the new button, which trades the previous very-clearly-a-paper-airplane design (seen in the main image) for something a little more subtle. It's in the middle of the image below:
Under the hood, there are other changes, including a "more stylish" and "more functional" message select feature, and the new quick forwarding button which pops up at the bottom right of the display when you tap and
Finally, there's a new expanded chat list option in the Chat Settings which allows you to see up to three lines per chat instead of just two in the chat list view.
The update is rolling out now over-the-air. You can download the latest Telegram update at the Play Store link below.
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