We're kicking off Samsung Galaxy review season with the S20 Ultra, and we've already had it in the office for about a week. During this time we've managed to gather some early impressions, but also more than a handful of camera samples. Seeing how the Ultra's camera sets it apart from the crowd in more ways than one, we figured you'd appreciate an early look.
One of the S20 Ultra's key differentiators when comparing to the regular S20s and the bulk of competitors on the market is its zoom capability. Samsung calls it 'Space zoom' and prominently features it on the back of the phone, joined by an ambitious '100X' promise.

We took the Ultra out for some zooming action, and we brought the Huawei P30 Pro along (another popular phone with 5x-ish periscope tele) as well as the Galaxy Note10+ (to see how much better a 4x-5x zoom is compared to a 2x).
On a separate note, we wanted to see how the Galaxy's 108MP main shooter compares to the other 108MP phone we had on hand - the Xiaomi Mi Note 10. First things first, though, off to space!
If you are curious to see some straight-up regular photos by the Galaxy S20 Ultra without any zooming and how it compares to the other phones, here's a taster.
Scene 1, 1x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Here are our test scenes, first shot with the main cameras. You will find more on the following pages with our analysis.
Scene 1, 1x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Daylight zooming
Let's start off with shots taken with the regular cameras so you can get an idea where we are in relation to the subjects we're going to be zooming in on.
Tip: On a desktop web browser, you can compare any two camera samples fullscreen by using the icon on the bottom right of each set of images.
Scene 1, 1x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Scene 2, 1x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
We then zoomed in to 2x, a magnification where only the Galaxy Note10+ has a lens to cover natively. Here, it's interesting to see what you'll be sacrificing if you're coming from a phone without a periscope telephoto.
The Ultra does use its tele cam for the center portion of the image, and fills out the periphery with data from the main cam - a valid approach that results in a really sharp center, but notably softer output once you move away. You can clearly see the lower half of the mural below the clock doesn't have nearly as much definition as the portion near the clock itself. The P30 Pro's behavior is similar in this mid-level zoom.
2x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Galaxy Note10+ • Galaxy S20 Ultra • Galaxy Note10+
Going into 4x, which we've been told is the native magnification of the Galaxy's tele lens, we can see it has an advantage in sharpness and contrast over the Huawei. Both the mural dots and the fine detail in the distant mountains are better defined in the Ultra's shots. The Galaxy Note10+ is now falling behind and its, effectively upscaled, photos aren't on the same level, though we'd still call them usable at fit to screen magnifications.
Scene 1, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Scene 2, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
At 5x the tables turn, as this is the Huawei lens' sort of native zoom level, and it has the upper hand, even if it's not a night and day difference. The castle shot is particularly telling with both the clock and the mural having beter definition in the Huawei's shot. The P30 Pro has less of an advantage looking up the mountain when it comes to detail, though it does still have better contrast. Once again and even more so, the Galaxy Note10+ clearly shows it's not equipped to compete at these zoom levels.
Scene 1, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Scene 2, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
None of them is equipped with a 10x zoom lens but once you go into digital zoom, sky's the limit. Wait, no, space is? Anyway, at 10x the Note10+ falls apart, so it's good Samsung capped it there, while the periscopes can still somewhat deliver. The Ultra has a minor advantage here, but it's barely noticeable and certainly nowhere near what the difference in sensor size would have you expect (1/2" vs. 1/4").
Scene 1, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Scene 2, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
At 30x the Ultra continues to outperform the Huawei, but both are now pushing the limits of what can be defined as serviceable photo quality.
30x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro
At maximum zoom, 100x on the Samsung, 50x on the Huawei, neither produces usable images. At least the P30 Pro saves some grace by not pushing things too much.
Max zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra (100x) • Huawei P30 Pro (50x) • Galaxy S20 Ultra (100x) • Huawei P30 Pro (50x)
Zooming in at night
The periscope lenses that will fit in a smartphone can't be made overly bright, so taking zoomed-in photos in the dark isn't a guaranteed success. In fact, you might actually get better results with the brighter f/2.1 2x lens you can find on the galaxy Note10+, albeit digitally zoomed in to match the longer teles.
Here are our test scenes, first shot with the main cameras.
Tip: On a desktop web browser, you can compare any two camera samples fullscreen by using the icon on the bottom right of each set of images.
Scene 1, 1x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+

Scene 2, 1x: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Once again, the Note10+ has an edge over the Ultra at 2x. Central sharpness is good on the latest Samsung, but it deteriorates towards the edges as the main camera fills in what the tele can't see, while the Note remains consistent across the frame. Dynamic range isn't as good on the Ultra either - apparently, all the processing required to stitch the views of the two cams doesn't leave much room for extra HDR processing. The Note shows how it's done delivering way better highlight retention. Weirdly enough, engaging Night mode on the Ultra doesn't help it much either.
2x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Galaxy Note10+ • Galaxy S20 Ultra (NM) • Galaxy Note10+ (NM)
We're here to see what happens at the higher zoom levels, so let's do that. At 4x in regular photo mode, the Ultra is easily the best. It delivers the sharpest image and has an excellent dynamic range (unlike in 2x). The Huawei struggles and it underexposes while also managing to blow out the highlights - dynamic range is spread quite thin.
Scene 1, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
The Note10+ actually manages to hold its own, and despite higher noise levels, it still compares well in terms of exposure and dynamic range, while detail isn't terrible. That is to say, unless it decides to shoot with its main camera zoomed in to 4x, where things do go bad.
Scene 2, 4x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
The respective Night modes introduce some changes. On a global scale, the P30 Pro gets its exposure in check, though it's still pretty bad in terms of dynamic range and, zooming in at 1:1, there's not a lot of detail in there. The Ultra clears up some noise and brightens up its shadows nicely, revealing some detail that you couldn't see in the regular shot. Night mode is a nice way to get the Note10+ to shoot with its actual telecamera, and it produces a significantly better image that way in the second scene, compared to its effort in Photo mode.
Scene 1, 4x zoom, Night mode: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Scene 2, 4x zoom, Night mode: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Now let's give the P30 Pro a shot and go into 5x zoom. It does take more detailed images now that it shoots with its telephoto, but still struggles with dynamic range and underexposes badly while trying to preserve the highlights (and failing). Lifting the shadows in post-editing does help a bit, but it's not something you should have to do.
Meanwhile, the Note10+ is very noisy in the first scene (with the tele cam) and straight-up blotchy in the second (with the main module zoomed all the way to 5x). The Ultra retains a comfortable lead here in all observable aspects.
Scene 1, 5x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Scene 2, 5x zoom: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
In Night mode, the situation is very much the same at 5x as it was at 4x. The Ultra is hands-down the winner, the Note is more likely to use its tele cam, but is now stretching that overly thin already. Sadly, the P30 Pro is struggling to gather light here as well, and is looking very underexposed.
Scene 1, 5x zoom, Night mode: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
Scene 2, 5x zoom, Night mode: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Huawei P30 Pro • Galaxy Note10+
So the takeaway is that if your low-light shooting happens around the 50mm equivalent (or '2x'), the Galaxy S20 Ultra isn't going to be better than a Galaxy Note10+ - in fact, the Note outperforms it in a meaningful way. On the other hand, if you like longer zoom levels around the 4x-5x mark (100-125mm), the Ultra is easily the best option and neither the P30 Pro with its 5x tele nor the Note10+ with its 5x digital zoom are a match.
108MP comparison: Galaxy S20 Ultra vs. Xiaomi Mi Note 10
Before the release of the Galaxy S20 family, we were musing about the 108MP sensor's pros and cons, and we were wondering how it would compare to the only other such phone available at the time, the Xiaomi Mi Note 10. Well, now that we have both at the office, we made an impromptu comparison.

As you can see in the balcony blinds shots, each phone has its own distinct issues with handling detail at a level that clashes with its demosaicking algorithms. The Galaxy is particularly at a loss with what to do with the patterns as it needs to stretch further across its pixel array to find the same color from which it can approximate what the resulting image should look like. And even its best approximation still doesn't look true-to-life.
The Xiaomi, meanwhile, with its Quad Bayer filter array, can better interpret such patterned detail. It too has artifacts, however - speckles of white in the middle of what should be solid black holes, or black lines joining two openings in the panels, where you know it should be white. In any case - a much better rendition of detail by the Xiaomi.
Tip: On a desktop web browser, you can compare any two camera samples on this page fullscreen by using the icon on the bottom right of each set of images.
108MP, scene 1: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Mi Note 10
There's hardly a clear winner in the castle shot. We can't see more detail in the clock or in the mural, in either image. The borders of the tiny cells that comprise the mural are barely defined too. Having said that, the Samsung shot has slightly more pronounced aliasing jaggies along the diagonal lines on the roof. Once again, it's likely the Xiaomi's closer-spaced like-colored pixels that help it better smooth out these lines.
108MP, scene 2: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Mi Note 10
Looking at the images from the third scene, we can split some hairs to say that maybe the crane lattices are better defined in the Xiaomi shot.
108MP, scene 3: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Mi Note 10
Down below, you can have a look at the images the two phones put out in 'normal' resolution mode - 12MP on the Galaxy (9-to-1 binning), 27MP on the Mi Note 10 (4-to-1). Predictably, with more than twice the resolution, the Xiaomi's shot are more detailed.
Demosaicked: Galaxy S20 Ultra • Mi Note 10 • Galaxy S20 Ultra • Mi Note 10 • Galaxy S20 Ultra • Mi Note 10
Final words
Our early assessment of the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra's camera has us cautiously excited but also underwhelmed - about equal parts of those. We didn't expect it to be capable of doing 100x zoom and it really isn't, not even close - so why the stupid branding? On top of that, it's unpleasantly, but also predictably, somewhat handicapped when doing the 2x zoom most folks coming from other phones would be used to.

On the other hand, we are getting pretty solid zoom capabilities in the much more interesting 4x-5x region. Even more importantly, these extend into the night as well. A quick comparison against possibly the only other mainstream 5x competitor at the time, the Huawei P30 Pro, had the Ultra run pretty much unopposed in low light.
We have a ton more photos to analyze - this article doesn't even begin to touch on portraits and selfies, and you may have noticed there isn't a single video on these pages. Battery testing is also in progress, and we can't really shed any light on that right now. The full review should be coming soon, though, so stay tuned.
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