How to make face mask at home and clean it

Advisory on use of Homemade Protective Cover for Face & Mouth

How to make face mask at home and clean it

  • We are aware that social distancing and personal hygiene are  keys to prevent COVID 19 infections. Certain countries have  claimed benefits of homemade face cover for the general public.  Such homemade face cover is a good method for maintaining  personal hygiene. Such usage certainly will help in maintaining  overall hygienic health conditions.
  • Therefore, it is suggested that such people who are not suffering  from medical conditions or having breathing difficulties may use  the handmade reusable face cover, particularly when they step  out of their house. This will help in protecting the community at  large.
  • This face cover is not recommended for either health workers or  those working with or in contact with COVID 19 patients or are  patients themselves as these categories of people are required  to wear specified protective gear.
  • It is advised that two sets of such face covers be made so that  one can be washed while the other is used. Hand washing would  still remain essential criteria and hand should be washed before  wearing the face cover. Such face covers should also not be  thrown anywhere but kept safely, washed properly with soap and  hot water and dried properly before they are used.
  • These face covers could be
made out of clean cloth available at  home, which needs to be thoroughly cleaned and washed before  a face cover is stitched/made. The face cover should be  prepared in such a manner that it can cover the mouth and nose  completely and can be tied over the face easily.
  • There must not be a sharing of face covers and a face cover  must be used by only one individual. So, in a family of several  members, each member should have a separate face cover.
Proposed guide is meant to provide a simple outline of best  practices to make, use and reuse face covers to enable NGOs  and individuals to make face protection themselves. The key criteria for proposed designs are Ease of Access to  Materials, Ease of Making at Home, Ease of Use and Reuse.  The homemade face cover should be prepared in such a manner  that it can cover the mouth and nose completely and can be tied  over the face easily.

This face cover is not recommended for either health workers  or those working with or in contact with COVID 19 patients or  are patients themselves as these categories of people are  required to wear specified protective gear.
Wearing of face covers is especially recommended for people living in densely populated areas across India.
Homemade reusable face covers only reduce the chances of  inhaling droplets still in the air from an infected person, they do not give full protection. Homemade reusable face covers must  be washed and cleaned each day, as instructed. Reuse without  washing should NEVER be done. Never share your face cover  with anyone. Social distancing must still be maintained. Remember to wash your hands frequently with soap for 20 seconds.

Source: Mygov

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