The Redmi Note 9 announced in April will make its way to India on July 20. It has two memory configurations - 3GB RAM + 64GB storage and 4GB RAM + 128GB storage. But according to a new report, the Redmi Note 9 won't come with 3GB RAM in India and the company will also introduce a new version with 6GB RAM.
There's no information on the storage options yet, but we might see the 4GB RAM model along with 64GB storage onboard and the 6GB RAM variant with 128GB storage.
The Redmi Note 9 is built around a 6.53" FullHD+ LCD and has a Helio G85 SoC at the helm. It comes with a 13MP selfie camera and sports a 48MP main camera on the back, which is joined by an 8MP ultrawide, 2MP macro and 2MP depth sensor units.
The Redmi Note 9 features a rear-mounted fingerprint reader and packs a 5,020 mAh battery that draws power through a USB-C port at up to 18W.
You can head over here to read our in-depth written review of the Redmi Note 9 to know more about it, and those who are short on time can watch our video review below.
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