Qualcomm is expected to announce the Snapdragon 875 chipset next month and one leakster on Weibo said he saw a prototype of the new platform. According to Digital Chat Station, the 5 nm chip will have one Cortex-X1 super powerful core running at 2.84 GHz, three Cortex-A78 ones at 2.42 GHz, and four power-efficient Cortex-A55 clocked at 1.8 GHz.
According to ARM calculations the Cortex-X1 will bring 20% higher sustained performance than Cortex-A78 and 30% better peak performance, which aligns well with early benchmarks.
The Snapdragon 875 will also bring a new Adreno 660 GPU, the leakster revealed. The cache and memory bandwidth will be improved and the new Qualcomm platform will provide better low-power consumption, bringing the battery life to greater lengths.
There are four weeks until the official launch in Hawaii, US - a lot of time for more rumors, leaks, and even some teasers to paint a clearer picture.
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