Motorola introduced the Moto G9 Power earlier this month with a Snapdragon 662 chipset and a €200 price tag in Europe. Now, the parent company Lenovo is planning to launch the very same phone under a new name, likely for new markets. According to an FCC listing, it will be called Lenovo K12 Pro and will be virtually the same aside from the logo on the back.
The phone also appeared on TENAA with specs and features, confirming that we are indeed talking about the Moto G9 Power under a new disguise. With specs like Snapdragon 662 and a 720p screen, as well as the unimpressive secondary cameras on the back, no wonder Lenovo is trying to relaunch the phone with a new moniker.
It also has to do something with brand recognition - while Moto is well received in Europe and Latin America, other regions, including the domestic scene in China, still prefer Lenovo. The launch date has not been revealed yet, but surely the Lenovo K12 Pro is right around the corner since it is already certified in multiple countries.
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