Wait, what kind of phone is this? Well, it's not. It's a change of pace compared to our usual content, for sure. That being said, we are all major geeks here at GSMArena, and beyond our shared and utter passion for mobile phones, we also have broader tech interest and knowledge. Servers and PCs, cameras, drones, cars, and even smart appliances. Chances are that you can find at least one expert on any tech topic on the team.

Electric scooters, in particular, are a shared passion for a few of our team members. We have around 7 different electric scooters among us - scrutinized, tuned, maintained, and even modded regularly. Plus, for a fair number of us, an electric scooter has transcended from merely a hobby to an actual daily commuting vehicle as a workaround to the large-city traffic and the Covid-19 considerations that come with using public transport.
This particular reviewer personally owns a couple of Xiaomi M365 scooters, with various software and hardware mods. One of which is a daily-driver with over 1,500 km clocked. Not to mention, he already has the review of the original, vanilla Turboant X7 under his belt. Parallels to these other scooters will likely come up throughout this review.
Turboant X7 Pro in official images
Without further ado, the machine we are looking at today is the Turboant X7 Pro - the bigger brother to the Turboant X7. Just like with the original review unit, Turboant reached out to us once again. Since we've already cut our teeth on the vanilla model's review and kind of liked that model, we thought this would be a great opportunity to try and see what the next "step-up" in electric scooters generally has to offer.
Turboant X7 Pro specs
- Body: Folded: 108.3 x 42.0 x 46.0 cm; Unfolded: 108.3 x 42.0 x 118.6 cm, 15 kg, Ground clearance: 115 mm, IPX4.
- Motor: 350W, 36V.
- Battery: 10 Ah, 36V (360 Wh) Li-ion; user-removable, chargeable independent of scooter; Full charge takes 6 hours; 500 life cycles; Max charge rate: 42V@2A.
- Tires: 10-inch, air tires with inner tubes.
- Brakes: Motor brake, disk brake, foot brake; Advertised braking distance: 5 m.
- Performance (Advertised numbers): Max speed: 32 km/h (EU units capped to 25 km/h); Max range: 48 km; Max load: 125 kg; Max climb angle: 15 degree.
- Additional features: Brake light, front torch (3W), Bell; Cruise control; Display with speed readout, mode indicator and battery level (bars); 3 speed modes.
The Turboant X7 Pro is, in rough terms, what the Xiaomi M365 Pro is to the vanilla M365. If you happen to have some electric scooter experience, chances are you have already encountered the Xiaomi M365 due to its massive popularity. This base reference point will allow us to make valuable comparisons and outline some of the differences you can and should expect from a step-up "Pro" model in general. While also touring the Turboant X7 Pro to see what it brings to the table, how well it does so, and what it neglects or skips on.
You can check out the Turboant X7 Pro product page on the company's own website. The Turboant X7 Pro has an MSRP €700/$700, with the current time-limited promotion bringing that down to €500/$500. They ship to the US, UK, and European Union countries. Turboant has a German warehouse servicing the EU, which saves on import fees.
Turboant has provided our unit for review. The store link above is an affiliate one, and GSMArena may receive a referral commission for any qualifying purchases you make when visiting it. This affiliate program and GSMArena’s participation are completely independent of the editorial product review process, and our editors do not benefit from affiliate sales in any way. Our topmost priority will always be providing impartial product advice to our readers.
Turboant X7 Pro video review
Our Turboant X7 Pro video review covers most of the aspects listed in this text article, but if it catches your eye, we suggest you take a closer look at the full details we list in the text article.
The battery pack on the stem
Turboant doesn't hide its design inspirations. Neither should it. There is a reason Xiaomi's M365 design exploded in popularity. Sure, a lot of it had to do with the overall value proposition of the product, but the slick and well though-out nature of the design definitely helped.

The similarities we are referring to are obvious, but Turboant does have some unique touches of its own. Probably most-apparent of all - the battery pack and its placement. Instead of sitting inside the foot deck, Turboant has it on the stem of its scooters. This is the case with the vanilla Turboant X7 and is also the case with the Turboant X7 Pro. We have quite a few notes and observations based on that decision.

Starting with the positives - Ground clearance is amazing on the X7 Pro. Between the thin, battery-free deck and the large 10-inch tires, it can clear pretty much any ledge or bump with ease. Not that we necessarily recommend jumping down ledges with any scooter. Especially one without suspension.

Having less weight on the deck is likely one of the reasons behind the 125kg maximum load capacity of the Turboant X7 Pro. Carrying the heavy battery and electronics elsewhere means that you can fully utilize the deck's structural rigidity for load carrying.
For reference, both the Xiaomi M365 and M365 Pro officially have a load capacity of 100KG for the rider. Of course, you can go over that fairly safely since the actual tires and the front and rear axis is rated at 75kg each on the Xiaomi. Still, the Turboant X7 can definitely carry more weight and is a safer choice for heavier riders.
We'll circle back to the deck in a bit. Before that, we have a fair bit of criticism towards the particular battery design.
One of Turboant's selling point for the vanilla X7 and now the X7 Pro is the ability to quickly remove the battery. Be it for security, storing it separately for more extended periods, more convenient charging, or carrying a spare for extra range.

We appreciate all of this added versatility. However, right off the bat, there is added weight to the stem itself, which is undesirable for both stability while riding and carrying the scooter unfolded. Also, while the vanilla Turboant X7 has its smaller circular battery fit and slide neatly inside the stem, the bigger pack on the X7 Pro hangs-out awkwardly from what seems to be a hole cut into the otherwise reused, already wide stem.
This introduces a few issues. First, it is not particularly pretty to look at. Also, while relatively secure, the latching mechanism is hard to operate, and it wobbles a lot. In fact, the pack even rattles in place. Every time you ride over a pothole or rough surface, you are going to hear the annoying rattle.
Last but not least, picking up the scooter with one hand to carry it unfolded across an obstacle for even a short distance is a fairly common thing. This was already hard on the vanilla X7 due to the stem's girth, and now, it is nearly impossible on the X7 Pro. That part really annoyed us.

Drilling a bit more into the issue, even if the battery did not protrude quite as much and offered a better gripping surface, the X7 Pro weighs just shy of 15kg, up from 13.5kg on the vanilla X7. For reference, the original Xiaomi M365 tips the scale at 12.7kg, with the revised lineup (the one with the display) coming in at 12kg for the Essential model, 12.5kg for the regular 1S model, and 14.2kg for the M365 Pro 2. Again, for reference, the original Xiaomi M365 and the 1S have 280Wh, the Xiaomi Pro 2 has a 474Wh battery, while the vanilla X7 has a 230Wh battery and the X7 Pro has 360Wh at its disposal.

The difference between carrying 15kg and 12.5kg or 12.7kg up a flight of stairs is quite tangible. Plus, the weight distribution of the Xiaomi design arguably works in its favor, acting a bit like a simple lever, with most of its weight concentrated some distance and an angled joint away from the grabbing point.
The tires
Next, the tires. The Turboant X7 Pro is equipped with 10-inch tires. These are significantly higher than the 8.5-inch ones on the vanilla X7, as well as the Xiaomi M365 line. In terms of width, the two sizes are actually not too different. Still, you can feel the positive effect larger tires have on the ride comfort. In general, the X7 Pro provides a really comfortable riding experience for adults, also thanks to its extended stem and handlebar.

One important note about the tires is that despite what some of the X7 Pro's promotional materials might suggest, they do have internal tubes just as on the Xiaomi M365 lineup.
For comparison, the vanilla X7 has a tubeless design, which is generally considered more resistant to flats. Not necessarily from punctures, but since the small electric scooter tires with inner tubes tend to suffer from internal friction and tube degradation, leading to ruptures in the tubes themselves.
Replacing the inner tubes on electric scooters is a very tricky and challenging task, especially on the front tire, with the hub motor. Hence, this can sort of be considered a downgrade compared to the regular X7. The best you can do to mitigate this is regularly checking that their pressure is at the recommended levels and filling the tube with an anti-puncture liquid such as 'Slime.'

Next up on the overall design tour, we have to note the extra width and especially length on the deck of the Turboant X7 Pro. For many, it might be the difference between being able to comfortably put both feet on the deck or not. Not necessarily next to one another, mind you, as we still maintain that a skateboard-like foot configuration is the best for stability on a scooter.

The deck itself feels very strong and has no noticeable flex. The same actually goes for the entire build of the Turboant X7 Pro. It feels sturdy and premium. Many of its parts are carried-over from vanilla X7.
The only real issues with the bill of materials we have are some of the plastics used on the steering. The handles don't feel premium and are a bit too hard. The plastic wrapping over the throttle is appreciated for its added protection. However, it makes both buttons feel mushy.
The particular plastic chosen to cover the display is of the variety that gets scratched extremely easily. We prefer the top-plastic design on the vanilla X7 better.

Since we are already on the topic of controls, the throttle feels responsive-enough. We have no complaints regarding the brake handle, and the bell is just awesome. It produces a loud and piercing sound and has an internal stepper-design, making it a lot more consistent than simple spring-based models.

The front light on the X7 Pro is nothing really special. It does an adequate job lighting the way in the night but is slightly weaker than the light on the Xiaomi M365, which is not particularly bright itself. Turboant's light reflector tends to scatter the light more uniformly than Xiaomi's, but the beam doesn't reach nearly as far. In both cases, we would recommend picking-up a better bicycle light if you plan on a lot of night riding.

We don't have any complaints regarding the rear stop light, though. It is tall and bright, making it easily visible. It lights up constantly when you turn on the headlight. When you squeeze the brake, it flashes rapidly.

Finally, just a quick note on the kickstand on the X7 Pro. Ours was a bit awkward and did not provide a smooth motion out of the box - nothing some good old grease couldn't fix. >The kickstand works well enough but could definitely benefit from a larger toe and general beefing up. Having the battery in the stem of the scooter makes it quite top-heavy, and hence, it's quite easy to tip over when you prop it on the kickstand.
That said, the kickstand has been relocated to a better position on the new model, and the situation is much better than on the vanilla Turboant X7, which could topple over by just the slightest touch.
The folding mechanism
The folding mechanism is such an integral part of any electric scooter that we figured it deserves its own little section. Just like on the vanilla X7, Turboant has gone with a Xiaomi M365-inspired latching mechanism for the X7 Pro.

It is a design that works pretty well and has already proven its merits. But one that has also revealed a couple of weak points. Namely, the front latching "hook" bit, for lack of a better term, and the rear bolt, anchoring the stem to the rest of the scooter on a single pivot point. On an M365, the former is known to loosen up, leading to rattling or even snapping. The rear bolt is also prone to outright failure.
Thankfully, Turboant has carried-over all of the fixes in already has in place with the vanilla X7. Chief among which - the fact that both pieces are made of steel. Coincidentally, a well-known fix among M365 owners, swapping said parts with steel counterparts. And likely less coincidentally, both of these pieces are left silver and unpainted, presumably emphasizing their strength. The fact that the front latch on the X7 and X7 Pro is extra-wide and leverages the oversized steering stem's girth is also a significant benefit.

Turboant also employs a couple of springs on the inside of the mechanism. A smaller one provides snap-back and tension to the front latch, preventing mechanical lock-up due to overtightening and massively simplifying the overall construction of the part and the number of adjustment points available. One of the bigger hassles to deal with on a Xiaomi M365. The bigger spring is an extra protective layer for the cabling that actually runs inside the steering stem. Another notable deviation from Xiaomi's design.
All of these minor details work really well in combination. Neither our original Turboant X7 nor the X7 Pro required any adjustment or fiddling with the latch. All of the parts fit snug, with little to no movement and no rattling. Sadly, the battery compensates on the rattling front, but that is beyond the particular point, which is that we believe Turboant did a great job in taking inspiration and significantly improving on Xiaomi's folding mechanism.

For the sake of thoroughness, we will mention that we love Turboant's approach to the rear part of the mechanism. Having a separate, beefy hood sliding into a confidence-inspiring groove in the rear fender just feels sturdier than Xiaomi's dual-purpose bell.
Unlatching the mechanism is also more straightforward and can be done with just one hand and one foot. The latter presses down on the rear fender/mudguard to engage its spring action and release the hook. Then you can simply pull the steering wheel up all the way and continue to latch it in place. You still need to bend down a couple of times, though.
Performance is a bit hard to properly gauge and especially compare on electric scooters. Doubly so if all you have to go by is the advertised metrics, like the Turboant's X7's 350W motor. Is that a little, or is that a lot? Frankly, this number is often misleading and typically represents an average power output.
For reference, the Xiaomi M365 is nominally rated at 250W, but its motor can reach a 500W peak output. For the M365 Pro, these figures, as advertised, are 300W nominal and 600W peak. The vanilla Turboant X7 also lists a 350W motor power, yet another indication of quoted numbers' vague nature.

In terms of volume and overall size, all of the actual hub motors on these scooters seem to be roughly identical. In reality, the actual torque and acceleration are mostly going to come down to the motor controller, the acceleration curve, and its power output at every point of the said curve. This is why so many software mods exist for electric scooters and why those actually work. If you push your battery a bit harder (within certain limits) and sacrifice some range, you can adjust your acceleration curve and peak power output.
One of our biggest gripes with the vanilla Turboant X7 is its very, very conservative acceleration curve. Even at its highest power setting, it is just way too slow to take off, making it impractical and actually a bit dangerous for use in real traffic conditions. Hence why we dubbed it more of a beginner-level recreational model with a bit of untapped potential.

Turboant appears to have been taking notes. Thankfully, this has been addressed with the X7 Pro. Just like before, you get to choose between three operating modes - Beginner mode, Eco Mode and Sports Mode. The first two have similar and equally underwhelming acceleration curves. Sports mode, however, is impressively snappy. Not only is the acceleration curve boosted significantly compared to the vanilla X7, but our tests also showed that the X7 Pro is quicker off the line than a vanilla, unmodified Xiaomi M365.
This is a big deal in our mind and successfully elevates the X7 Pro to an actual, viable commuter instead of a recreational gadget. Great news, too, seeing how the battery capacity upgrade over the vanilla X7 could be enough to push the X7 Pro from a "last mile solution" to an independent commuter for some.
Hill climbing is an important aspect for many prospective buyers. The vanilla X7 is rated to tackle a 15-degree incline, which is about as standard. The same goes for the X7 Pro, but that might be a bit too conservative of an official number.
The excellent news here is that in Sports mode, the X7 Pro climbs up inclines a lot more confidently than its sibling. The X7 Pro easily tackles a 20-degree ramp at 20km/h with a rider in the 100kg range. Not too shabby and an upgrade over both the vanilla X7 and an unmodified Xiaomi M365. About on par with an unmodified Xiaomi M365 Pro.

We should touch upon maximum speed briefly. Across the European Union and most other places, electric scooters have an electronic limiter set at 25 km/h. That is the case with the X7 Pro out of the box, as well. That 25km/h figure is for Sports mode. Eco lowers that to 16 km/h, and Beginner has an aggressive 10 km/h cap. You can adjust the Sports mode limiter via a "hidden option" and set it to either 20 km/h or the "max," which our tests have determined to be around 30 km/h. About the advertised 32 km/h figure.
Since we carried out said tests going down a pretty steep hill, it seems that there is no way to actually remove the limiter altogether, just bump it up to 32 km/h. Honestly, that's good enough in our book. If you are interested in how to access the option, skin on over to the controls section.
One thing we want to note regarding the hub motor on the X7 Pro is that it is super quiet while working. Even at max speed, you can barely hear a faint coil whine and all of the noise that is there comes from the tires or the rattling of the battery pack.

Braking performance
Before we move on to the range, we should talk about braking. First, the easy bit - there is a standard disk brake on the back tire of the X7 Pro. Well, actually, 'standard' might be a bit of an overstatement. The design and things like hole size and placement are a bit different than the Xiaomi M365. Crucially, the number and position of the mounting holes do not match (six bolts on the X7 Pro and 5 on the M365). So, chances are that when you eventually need replacements, you can't rely on the readily-available Xiaomi M365 disks. You might get away with using standard pads, though.
In terms of braking performance, our unit was a bit weak in that department out of the box, but It was easy enough to adjust and tighten the pads a bit. Motor braking is a whole different story. It is hard to get definitive info on the whole motor braking KERS (kinetic energy recovery system) situation on the X7 Pro. From what we can gather, the X7 Pro, just like the X7, does not have KERS but does have some mild motor braking.

Leaving out KERS has both positive and negative aspects. Obviously, you lose battery regeneration. However, no KERS means less resistance on the front tire when simply kicking the X7 Pro manually, without the motor. This can be crucial for any situation where you end up with a dead battery midway.
In our experience, KERS on electric scooters have a little tangible benefit to battery life and range and mostly act as a passive braking system that decelerates for you, saving some wear and tear on the brakes. Honestly, we never missed in the X7 Pro, and having that extra bit of cruising freedom on flat surfaces and easier passive riding is more valuable in our book.
Range and charging
Unfortunately, range on electric scooters is another hard to measure performance metric. Turboant says the X7 Pro is good for 48 km on a single charge, up from the advertised 25km on the vanilla X7. Its upgraded battery pack is a 10 Ah/36V unit, up from the 6.4 Ah/36V one in the regular Turboant X7.
These numbers mean very little though, especially in isolation, so, once again, we will be bringing it some hopefully helpful comparisons with the Xiaomi line of scooters and their advertised ranges and respective battery capacities.
Turboant X7 | Turboant X7 Pro | Xiaomi M365 Essential/Lite and M187/Youth edition | Xiaomi M365 (original and 1S) | Xiaomi M365 Pro and Pro2 |
Battery: 6.4 Ah/36V (230Wh) | Battery: 10 Ah/36V (360Wh) | Battery: 5.2 Ah/36V (187Wh) | Battery: 7.8 Ah/36V (280Wh) | Battery: 13 Ah/36V (474Wh) |
Advertised range: 25km | Advertised range: 48km | Advertised range: 20km | Advertised range: 30km | Advertised range: 45km |
Weight: 13.5kg | Weight: 15kg | Weight: 12kg | Weight: 12.5~12.7kg | Weight: 14.2kg |
Advertised charging time: 4.5 hours | Advertised charging time: 6 hours | Advertised charging time: 4 hours | Advertised charging time: 5 hours | Advertised charging time: 8 hours |
There might be some slight mathematical variances to some of the battery numbers, but this is an accurate, rough comparison of the two lineups. It should be noted for clarity that Xiaomi recently updated its models for 2020, adding the status display, offered initially only on the M365 Pro to all models. Hence the old M187/Youth edition is succeeded by the M365 Essential or Lite. Respectively, the original, vanilla M365 is now the 1S, and the original M365 Pro is followed by the Pro2.
That's all fine and dandy, but not really representative of the real world. In my tests, I managed to get around 25km of range from the Turboant X7 Pro. That's in Sports mode, which, in my mind, is the only usable one in actual traffic. Mind you, around the 20km mark, voltage drops significantly in the battery, and the controller automatically bumps you down to some nearly unbearable acceleration curves.
Hence, there was still juice in the pack beyond the 25km, meaning that if you really had to, didn't mind the sluggish pace and max speed, and don't particularly care about the longevity of the battery pack, you could go further. Sill that is a nice uplift from the 15km of comfortable riding we got on the vanilla X7, as well as the 18km, or so, we have clocked-in from a daily-driven original Xiaomi m365. Again, that's with a 100kg-ish rider, with some gear, so about 110kg in total.

While not the best in terms of battery capacity and range to weight ratio, we deem the X7 Pro's performance perfectly serviceable. Definitely enough as a last mile solution and potentially good for a full commute, as well.
Mind you, on an electric scooter, small external or internal condition variances can make a huge difference, so you should only take these numbers as an indicator. Even the "comfortable riding distance" ones we provided. Even on the exact same route, a few degrees lower temperature, insufficient tire pressure, a few extra kg in your backpack, heavier traffic with more frequent stops, and subsequent dead starts can all shorten your range noticeably. We know this all too well from personal experience. Plus, ideally, you should avoid depleting the charge in your battery all the way down for the sake of its longevity.
This actually leads us nicely into the topic of charging. Turboant advertises around 6 hours for a full charge. This is done via the included 42V@2A power brick. The brick is just a bit bulkier than that on the Xiaomi M365, but that one also outputs slightly less current, rated at 42V@1.7A, so it balances things out a bit. Both bricks are easily portable and can be carried around if need be. If you do find yourself needing extra range out of the X7 Pro or the vanilla X7, for that manner, you might want to pick-up a secondary battery and carry that instead, though. Or have one at the office and one at home with two chargers.

That is the other nifty thing about the removable battery design that Turboant has. Not only is the pack removable, but it also has its own charging port. This opens up the room for a lot of interesting use cases, ranging from anti-theft and convenience ones to long-term storage and range extension.
Our testing backs-up that 6 hours figure. It also fits in line nicely with the vanilla Turboant 7 and its charge cycle of around 4.5 hours. Speaking of cycles, Turboant says that the 10 Ah pack in the X7 Pro is good for 500 full cycles. Not too shabby. A replacement or secondary battery pack for the X7 Pro will set you back either €199.98 or $199.98 from the official website, which sounds like a fair price for a pack of that size, complete with custom charging and controller circuits and attachment mechanism.
Controls, general operation and hidden settings
Before we wrap the review up, consider this section a general guide for anybody actually looking to buy the X7 Pro or already owning one since it deals with some quite particular details. Let's start with the controls. Turboant has carried over the two-button design form the vanilla X7. Hold the power button down to power on and off. That's the sole purpose of that button in general operation, which we appreciate. No confusion or risk of accidentally toggling something.

Quick pressing the second button cycles through the three operating modes. The active one is denoted by a "D" symbol on the display. If there is no symbol at all - Beginner mode is on, a white icon means Eco mode, and then a red one is Sports mode. The scooter remembers your last selection between power-downs, which is nifty. Double-clicking the same button turns the headlight and taillight on and off.
Throttle control is the usual affair. It is quite sensitive and offers plenty of fine control. As expected, it is not a direct speed control but rather uses "throttle logic." Cruise control is enabled by default. All you have to do is hold a certain throttle position for a few seconds for it to stick, which you will be notified of with a soft chime.

In fact, all of the chimes on the X7 Pro seems to be lowered in volume a bit, compared to the vanilla X7, which we personally appreciate. Since they can be loud and obtrusive, especially indoors. Moving on briefly to the display. Aside from the different cover design, compared to the regular X7, which we already bashed for its susceptibility to scratching, the actual display seems identical. It is a large and easily-legibly segment display. Perfectly suited for this particular purpose in our mind.
The only real gripe we have with it is the same one that we expressed in our Turboant X7 review, namely that it is not utilized to its full potential to provide useful data to the user. Beyond the mode icon, it only offers a speedometer, with large numbers and below - five big battery level bars. Oddly followed by a small trailing bar, which we don't really understand.
Anyway, there is no way to get anything beyond that info on the display. No precise battery percentage, although two digits are plenty to show that info, and we are certain the BMS (battery management system) has access to that.
Arguably, however, this is a lot easier to swallow on Xiaomi scooters since they have smart connectivity via Bluetooth. Something sorely missing from Turboant models.

The simple inclusion of Bluetooth data access on Xiaomi machines allows for user-friendly app integrations and support and OTA firmware updates from the manufacturer. It is also the catalyst behind the thriving modding scene surrounding the M365.
The Turboant X7 Pro does have a few "hidden options" to potentially tweak. These are accessed by powering-up the scooted and then holding down both buttons for a few seconds. You get a total of five flags to adjust (P0 - P4).
P0 switches between km/h and mph. P1 enables or disables cruise control. P2 sets the minimum speed for activating the scooter. You advise keeping this set to at least a few km/h since otherwise, the motor can initiate from a dead stop and potentially cause an accident. P3 adjusts the current tire diameter, which is not something so need to do unless you, for some reason, manage to either put smaller or bigger tires on the X7 Pro and want to try and make the speedometer accurate once again. And finally, P4 adjust the speed limiter. It is worth noting that this only affects sports mode. There are three available settings - 25 km/h, which is the default. 20km/h and an "FF" option. We don't know what that stands for, but it is effectively the 32 km/h "limiter off" state, which we discussed in the performance section.
Final thoughts
We'll try to keep this brief - we definitely liked the Turboant X7 Pro. Having experienced both of the company's scooters, with the original X7 in use at the office for about a year now, we can confirm the stand behind Turboant's scooters. They are sturdy and well put together.
The X7 Pro addresses pretty much all of the issues we had with the vanilla, chief among which is the acceleration curve. It comes with a nice boost in range and a comfortable design, incorporating a spacious deck and big 10-inch tires, with a lot of ground clearance. It loses some design and convenience points for its poor battery placement. It earns itself quite a few points for things like the secure and quality folding and latching mechanism and all of the utility provided by the removable and separately-chargeable 10 Ah battery pack.

With those specs and a current price hovering around 500 euros or dollars, the Turboant X7 Pro is clearly in direct competition with the Xiaomi M365 Pro and the refreshed Pro2. Of course, plenty of other scooters are battling it out in the same price range, but if we had to choose alternatives, Xiaomi's line is the obvious go-to.
Xiaomi just operates with such an impressive economy of scale that it is probably unrivaled in the still very fragmented e-scooter market worldwide. And all of that massive popularity also means easy access to parts and servicing for Xiaomi's scooter line. And that's without even going into the vast modding and accessories scene.
In comparison, Turboant offers a limited 6-month warranty on all of its products. You can extend that up to a year when you register as a member. Any product defect within the first week is also eligible for repair, replacement, or even a full refund. Issues that come up during the first 30 days of ownership also qualify for a repair or replacement.

That's not a bad proposition at all. You can also get a replacement or spare battery pack straight from their online store for €200/$200, depending on whether you are shopping in the US or EU.
However, even with these seemingly nice after-sales and warranty offers, we failed to find any easy way to acquire parts and spares. Granted, that is often a problem with a lot of electric scooters and their manufacturers. These things do matter, and the availability of parts and support should be checked personally, for your region, in advance.
With that cleared-up, circling back to the Turboant X7 Pro, as a product, in itself, it has a lot going for it. We loved our time with it and found no major flaws with it. It is a quality product, and if it happens to meet your personal requirements for an e-scooter, it is a perfectly viable choice.
- Comfortable design, good for adults, plenty of deck space, good load capacity and ground clearance
- Secure and strong folding and latching mechanism
- Removable battery offers a lot of versatility with things like security, charging and storage convenience and range extension
- Really comfortable ride, despite lack of suspension and relatively high center of mass
- Fixed acceleration curve in Sports mode, which was a major issue with vanilla X7 model. Plenty of power for confident hill-climbing, even with a heavy rider
- Decent, if not super-efficient use of the 10 Ah battery for 25km of comfortable range on a single charge
- Battery placement is not ideal; mechanism is hard to use and rattles. Detrimental to stability and makes the scooter hard to carry with one hand
- A bit on the heavy side, high center of mass, which makes the scooter unstable when propped on its kickstand
- Tubed tires, instead of the tubeless design on the vanilla X7
- Very limited options and settings, no Bluetooth connectivity, companion app or smart features
- Spare parts availability, as well as repairs in a few years might be an issue due to the brand's limited reach and operation
You can check out the Turboant X7 Pro product page on the company's own website. The Turboant X7 Pro has an MSRP €700/$700, with the current time-limited promotion bringing that down to €500/$500. They ship to the US, UK, and European Union countries. Turboant has a German warehouse servicing the EU, which saves on import fees.
Turboant has provided our unit for review. The store link above is an affiliate one, and GSMArena may receive a referral commission for any qualifying purchases you make when visiting it. This affiliate program and GSMArena’s participation are completely independent of the editorial product review process, and our editors do not benefit from affiliate sales in any way. Our topmost priority will always be providing impartial product advice to our readers.
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