What's special about 15 February

15 February - Special Events across the World

What's special about 15 February

What's Special about February 15, Across the World?


  • Singles Awareness Day (Unofficial): A lighthearted observance recognizing and celebrating those who are single, independent, and enjoying their own company.

National Days:

  • Canada:
    • National Flag of Canada Day: Continues the celebration of the Canadian flag started on February 13th.
  • Serbia:
    • Statehood Day: Marks the founding of the Serbian statehood in 1804.
  • Nicaragua:
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  • Singapore:
    • Total Defence Day: Promotes awareness about national security and self-reliance.
  • Other Notable Events:

    • World Hippo Day: Raises awareness about hippopotamuses, their conservation needs, and their ecological importance.
    • International Childhood Cancer Day: Brings attention to childhood cancer and promotes efforts for research, treatment, and support.
    • Nirvana Day (Buddhism): Commemorates the day Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment.
    • International Angelman Day: Raises awareness about Angelman syndrome, a rare genetic disorder.

    Fun and Quirky Events:

    • Annoy Squidward Day (Unofficial): A lighthearted day encouraging playful teasing and harmless pranks, inspired by the character Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants.
    • National Gumdrop Day: Celebrate these colorful and sweet candies!

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